*Update on the Mu computer*
I just wrote up a summary of state of Mu, in two parts.
Part 1 summarizes the past year as a sequence of major design decisions:
Part 2 is a sketch of what I plan to build next, again structured as a sequence of design decisions:
(The flow from design constraints to decisions is inspired by Christopher Alexander: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Notes_on_the_Synthesis_of_Form)
Any and all feedback appreciated. I'd like it to be clear to any programmer.
Your phone's wifi signal can be used to identify your gait (way you walk). Your gait is unique enough that it can be used to identify you. If there is prior video footage of view, it can be matched to that too. Impressive research, scary implications https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2019/10/07/wi-fi-signals-let-researchers-id-people-through-walls-from-their-gait/
Climate prediction by logic thought 1912
via: http://gregoa.soup.io/post/658695059/Climate-prediction-by-logic-thought-1912
Cryptographer Matthew Green on a change Apple made in iOS13: "Apple is sharing some portion of your web browsing history with the Chinese conglomerate Tencent. This is being done as part of Apple’s “Fraudulent Website Warning”, which uses the Google-developed Safe Browsing technology as the back end."
#Privacy #Security #Encryption #Google #Apple #Tencent #Malware #WebBrowsers
Giving users the power to moderate their own feeds is the key. Centralized moderation will always be flawed--a company can never represent your sensitivities as well as you and your peers (and will likely bow to outside pressure to censor, whether it's China or groups of users).
This policy demand from 2015 might today be more relevant than it was back then:
We need "a restriction on technological restrictions"
A disturbing series of previously secret court rulings confirm what we’ve long known: the government can’t conduct mass surveillance and comply with the Fourth Amendment. It’s time to end Section 702. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/10/secret-court-rules-fbis-backdoor-searches-americans-violated-fourth-amendment
In attempting to silence protests that lie outside the Firewall, in full view of the rest of the world, China is revealing the tools countries can use to silence dissent or criticism worldwide. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/10/chinas-global-reach-surveillance-and-censorship-beyond-great-firewall
Alle Menschen, die jetzt #ExtinctionRebellion als demokratie-feindlich darstellen, mögen sich doch einfach mal unsere dritte Forderung durchlesen:
"Die Regierung muss eine Bürger:innenversammlung für die notwendigen Maßnahmen gegen die ökologische Katastrophe und für Klimagerechtigkeit einberufen. Die Regierung muss nach deren Beschlüssen handeln."
Wenn Entscheidungen durch eine per Los zusammengestellte Versammlung von Mitgliedern des Volkes nicht demokratisch sind, dann weiß ich auch nicht.
Staatstrojaner-Bude #FinFisher will mit rechtlichen Drohungen Journalisten einen Maulkorb zu verpassen netzpolitik.org/2019/ueberwach… #staatstrojaner https://mobile.twitter.com/chaosupdates/status/1181504925278310400?p=v
Why Collabora really added Digital Restrictions Management to Weston
If you are an #OpenStreetMaps user, I built a simple app that allows to display different maps ordered in categories.
You can use your location and switch easily from a map to another one.
It's really simple currently and we are testing it. The idea is from @Bristow_69
Source: https://framagit.org/tom79/openmaps
Download: https://framadrive.org/s/xak7f4rjMkYdWRd
RT @MartinSonneborn
Die kroatische Regierungspartei HDZ ist korrupt - 2 Minister mussten kürzlich zurücktreten, 4 weitere ausgetauscht werden, der ehemalige Regierungschef sitzt in Haft. Dubravka S. dagegen ist auf freiem Fuß und soll EU-Kommissarin werden. Smiley!
Mehr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qgugmls8cC4&feature=youtu.be
@purism aaah, what a relief to see a phone that's is not thin like a leaf. This looks like a professional tool! Can't wait to get mine!
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