What is the future of computers? Purism CSO, @kyle shares why users continue to barter their digital rights and privacy in the name of security and protection. Read more ➡️
If I could help computer users understand one thing it would be that unless something changes, their future computer will be locked down like their phone, so they can only install software if the OS vendor approves. I talk about this in a new blog post: https://puri.sm/posts/the-future-of-computers-the-neighborhood-and-the-nursing-home/
Wikipedia Is More One-Sided Than Ever
(submitted by preordained)
New, deadly bacteria may be lurking in US; CDC warns of three puzzling cases - Enlarge / Burkholderia pseudomallei grown on sheep blood agar for 24 hours. Burkh... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1777964 #burkholderiapseudomallei #infectiousdisease #publichealth #melioidosis #science #cdc
Makedeb – Create Debian Archives from PKGBUILDs
(submitted by cartesius13)
The EU Digital Markets Act is an opportunity to change how the most powerful platforms act.
Along with over a dozen civil society organizations, EFF is asking the EU Parliament to include interoperability obligations and focus on end-user rights. https://www.eff.org/document/civil-society-letter-digital-markets-acts-imco-parliament https://t.co/heA5aM0f9n
The Left’s War on Gifted Kids
(submitted by plank_time)
Just How Vulnerable to Accidental Erasure are EPROMs Anyway? - On the scale of things worth worrying about, having to consider whether your EPROM... - https://hackaday.com/2021/06/29/just-how-vulnerable-to-accidental-erasure-are-eproms-anyway/ #retrocomputing #sunscreen #erasable #sunlight #memory #eprom #uv
Distrowatch News: Distribution Release: KaOS 2021.06 KaOS is a desktop Linux distribution that features the latest version of the KDE desktop environment and other popular software applications that use the Qt toolkit. The latest snapshot of the distribution's rolling release is KaOS 2021.06 which offers KDE Plasma 5.22, new visual effects, and a new.... http://distrowatch.com/11288
"All your actions online are data being produced & stored... there are no real regulations to stop it from being sold by data brokers & consumed by thousands of companies. First step is to care about what happens with your actions when you are online." -- Isabela Bagueros
Netflix once again introduces new features for Android, but not iOS (yet) https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/06/new-netflix-mobile-app-feature-allows-viewing-partially-downloaded-videos/?utm_brand=arstechnica&utm_source=twitter&utm_social-type=owned&utm_medium=social
The battle to break up Big Tech has just begun - For antitrust reformers, Facebook's court win might not be the setback it would seem. - https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/06/29/big-tech-breakup-battle/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=wp_business-technology
Pop!_OS Linux 21.04 Released with the COSMIC Desktop, Based on Ubuntu 21.04
#Linuxdistribution #Ubuntu21.04 #Pop!_OSLinux #COSMICdesktop
New versions of Windows might change the UI or underlying components, but they don't change the only thing important to know about Windows: it's nonfree software. Choose software that actually respects its users instead. https://u.fsf.org/3eu
Software News: The µBlock Origin project has released version 1.36.1b1 https://freshfoss.com/projects/ublock/
Admins: If your homeserver is experiencing degraded federation performance following the recent flood of spam across the Matrix network, please consider updating to Synapse v1.37.1rc1, which is available now.
We intend to formally release v1.37.1 tomorrow.
Windows 11 Will Leave Millions of PCs Behind, & MS Is Struggling to Explain Why
(submitted by FridayoLeary)
Software News: Fedora to enable Flathub repository https://distrowatch.com/dwres.php?resource=showheadline&story=13316
Russian-based DoubleVPN taken down by international law enforcement - CNET - A virtual private network based in Russia has been taken offline by an international law ... - https://www.cnet.com/news/russian-based-doublevpn-taken-down-by-international-law-enforcement/#ftag=CAD590a51e
Senator Warren asks the FTC for a "broad and meticulous review" of Amazon's MGM acquisition, citing Amazon's anticompetitive history and growing monopoly power (Catie Keck/The Verge) - Catie Keck / The Verge:
Senator Warren asks the FTC for a “broad and meticulous review”... - http://www.techmeme.com/210629/p43#a210629p43
Ordained minister in the ULC 1987. Student of #acim since 1993, of #urantia since 2013. #Debian #Firefox #foss #gnulinux #Bible #Conservative #Christian