@lupyuen Toxic?
I ❤️ #Arm Reset Handlers... What a wicked fetish! But it says a lot about the #RTOS... And prepares you for the heavy stuff that comes later! Here's the Reset Handler for #RIOT_OS on #PineTime @PINE64 ... Love the Stack Canary and MPU support! https://medium.com/@ly.lee/debug-riot-os-on-pinetime-with-vscode-12f00c69c120
Debug #RIOT_OS on #PineTime @PINE64 with Spectacular Detail... #RIOT_OS never looked so beautiful! https://medium.com/@ly.lee/debug-riot-os-on-pinetime-with-vscode-12f00c69c120
#PineTime Smart Watch made it to the @RustEmbedded Newsletter yay! 😀 Yes PineTime @PINE64 ❤️ #RustLang! And C and TinyGo and... 😉 https://rust-embedded.github.io/blog/newsletter-23/
And here's how you can run @rustlang on a Smart Watch... Today! https://medium.com/@ly.lee/debug-rust-mynewt-firmware-for-pinetime-on-raspberry-pi-4b9ac2d093a9?source=friends_link&sk=edb508c31e43d3ec40ecd8554f3405f6
Tracking down a firmware bug in #PineTime @PINE64 ? Or trying to understand an alien chunk of firmware code? #VSCode Debugger with #STLink can help! Lemme show you how I used the debugger for my first contact with #RIOT_OS... https://medium.com/@ly.lee/debug-riot-os-on-pinetime-with-vscode-12f00c69c120?source=friends_link&sk=a836d511355876bf81855db9f1e94124
#VSCode is NOT Visual Studio... And my #PineTime @PINE64 tutorials are Fully FOSS-Friendly... Here's why... https://gist.github.com/lupyuen/08e383845d68d3337747e8eb59d0f624
Yep the funny thing about Telnet...
@lupyuen You should see what tic toc does and how horrible they are in privacy. One of the most heavy data collection systems in any app.
I'm happy to release version 0.2.2 of my #FreeRtos
#Cplusplus based firmware for #pinetime. It brings improvements, bugfixes and contributions from the community.
See https://github.com/JF002/Pinetime/releases/tag/v0.2.2
@PINE64 there's still time to update before #FOSDEM2020 !!!
@JF Lemme know if you're keen to let me do a Live Debug webstream of #FreeRTOS on #PineTime @PINE64 🙂 https://youtu.be/a_VD-p1XwBg
QT: [https://mastodon.codingfield.com/@JF/103579647929102785]
@dos -1/10 Not a IBM Model M keyboard.
Quick update.
Some might have noticed new qt5-es2- packages have hit the repo.
Do not update or install them unless your other Qt5 packages are also at version 5.14.1.
If you do, it will break #Plasma.
If you already updated you need to either downgrade the es2 packages, or switch them for the regular Qt5 packages until Arch Linux ARM gets qt5 5.14.1 in the repo.
Bans on government and law enforcement use of face surveillance technology are already being enacted across the country. Learn more about how you can enact a ban in your city: https://aboutfacenow.org https://twitter.com/RepAdamSchiff/status/1221623777844514816
I love using linux!