@carlrichell Neuromancer is my favorite book of all time. I try to read it every year. 39 years on I'm still waiting for someone to make a "cyberdeck"... e.g. a laptop without a screen & keyboard - just lots of ports & lots of battery... hint hint.
@shawnp0wers now you know (and knowing is half the battle ;-)
@shawnp0wers I'm a little disappointed you're not considering a truly open source printer, like the _amazing_ https://www.prusa3d.com/product/original-prusa-mk4-kit-2/ .
Back in the day, I printed > 500 (!!!) frames for face shields, used by health care professionals early on in the COVID crisis.
Today, I print household doodads that are just not easily available (or are stupidly expensive) - drain plugs, corners for screen windows, wire clips, just-the-right-size plant pots, etc. Some things I design myself, some I download.
@kyle check out Caddy server (as a replacement for nginx). I've recently made similar changes in my self-hosted services, but Caddy handled it invisibly (and successfully of course). https://caddyserver.com/
To help us raise more funds for our development efforts, we are launching a new line of merchandise for Mastodon including t-shirts, mugs, enamel pins, and stickers.
@elegantcoder I'm trying to follow "Mastering Container offers for Kubernetes apps", but the hand-on assets don't match the videos (e.g. azure-voting app vs ToDo). Suggestions?
@gardiner_bryant I heard "there were very fine people on both sides" :P
@gardiner_bryant Yeah... but on the other hand, you're bringing more PHP into the world. 😢
I saw a sneak peak at the first approved sessions for #lfnw2023 ... amazing presenters stepping up this year. Look for those to be published soon.
New COSMIC dev news is out. Notable progress:
1) Accessibility in the iced toolkit 2) COSMIC Panels designs completed. Most functionality complete. 3) 10-bit color in cosmic-comp 4) Working on Settings pages for wallpapers, panels, and keyboard input
@thelinuxEXP sorry to see such a promising tech fail. :(
I'm reading https://www.lulu.com/shop/kyle-rankin/the-best-of-hack-and-linux-admin-crash-course/paperback/product-w9vdrd.html and hoping @kyle will talk about Hack & / at LFNW2023: https://sessionize.com/lfnw2023/ :D
3x56, featuring:
[00:01:36] Twitter Blue, Meta Verified: the social networks go premium. Is it going to work?
[00:35:45] The FBI recommend that everyone uses an ad-blocker
[00:45:16] Salesforce pays Matthew McConaughey $10M/year
[00:52:47] LastPass hack, allegedly via a senior developer's Plex?
[00:57:11] Reddit does comments search!
@kyle nope, you are not alone. Expecting South Dakota to have a surge in a week or so, after the Trump fireworks show.
The LFNW committee will be meeting on March 11. Our #1 topic of business is to plan how #LFNW2020 will be affected by COVID-19. As soon as we have a concrete plan of action, we’ll post it on the blog, on social media, and inform sponsors, presenters, and registered attendees via email.
If you wrote a blog with "Hello, World" and "terraform" in the title, but it required AWS credentials... you're doing it wrong. https://gist.github.com/bear454/96c067ab082f5c6cc9321061f601373f
@nextcloud Disappointed with the countdown... JS used local time instead of the TZ where the event was held: