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Facebook "verliert" ein paar Hundert Millionen Datensätze mit Telefonnummern.
Na gut, werdet ihr jetzt zu recht sagen, warum sollte man Facebook auch seine Telefonnummer geben? Selbst schuld, wenn man alles von sich Preis gibt, werdet ihr sagen ...

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What OS camp are you in? Hopefully this will be big so please boost so we can get as many votes as possible
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And so the journey continues. 4th of August marked the fourth year of Disroot's existance. The little project we created, due to our need for open tools, has now become a full blown platform. This year, although it seemed quiet, has been very busy actually. We have managed to accomplish a lot, but also experienced some throwbacks, shortcomings and lots of issues to deal with. All those experiences are improving the way we work and interact with the platform. It looks like the fun has just begun.

So lets start from short recap of what happened this year so far.

The biggest and, in fact, most recent news is that our team has grown. In June we have welcomed few Disrooters who have been helping us out already for a very long time. Making it official was a natural next step in recognizing their work on the project. This also enabled us to spread more tasks among all of us and to develop new ways of coordinating the work (the team is currently covering both hemispheres so we need to use all Disroot has to offer to communicate, meet, coordinate). It's still all new to us and we are still in evaluation period, but we would like to introduce the new members to all Disrooters: Fede, Meaz, Maryjane and Massimiliano which some of you already know from their contributions, together with Muppeth and Antilopa are now the part of the new Disroot Core Team.

The big chunk of the first and second quarter of the year we have spent on performance improvements, fighting bugs and spam, cleaning up the entire platform setup and other dirty work no one wants to do usually. Due to high workload last year, we had a lot of things "duct taped" together in order to meet the growing expectations with limited resources. This, of course, cannot go on forever, The more things are patched together "just for now", the bigger the mess. We have worked (and continue to do so to this day) to work out permanent solutions, document more things, create procedures and improve existing ones. Although we still keep working with 200% capacity, we realized that we need to spend more time on things no one likes doing but are essential for the well being of the project. We have spent time cleaning up and documenting the setup, and now with new members we are realizing how much procedures, documentation papers and work flow records we are missing: . At this moment this is our main focus. We know this investment will pay off in the near future when we start deploying new features and improving existing ones. One of the more prominent results of this work is the long awaited Disroot's mission statement

Last year we were very proud and excited about the fact we had managed to cover all the costs from the incoming donation stream. It was the first year where we, the admins, did not have to put any money from our own pocket to cover the costs. It was very important milestone which indicated we are on the good path to become an independent, self-sustained project. This trend continued this year, which allowed us to unlock a new goal. We are donating a portion of the donations surplus forward to the Free (Libre) and Open Source software without which Disroot as a platform wouldn't exist. Up until now we have donated over 550 euros to various projects. We hope those number will grow. For more details, please check our donation page

Disroot has matured and grown quite a lot since last year. The amount of work it requires every day has and is growing with it. In order to continue with this great project, and the great ideas behind it, we need to turn Disroot into our day job. For us it has been pretty much a day (and night) job already for the past two years. But the situation where 24 hours needs to be split between all the projects, real dayjobs and a family cannot be sustainable in the long term and for sure isn't healthy. We know that reaching a financial situation where Disroot would become our main occupation is far ahead, but in order to get there we do need to keep walking forward. Dutch law allows for non-profits like ours to pay a volunteer fee no bigger than 1700 euro a year per person. We would like to set this as a new goal. The idea behind is to be able to pay volunteer fee to at least one of our admins as a start, and if successful strive to include the entire Core team (one by one). If we can do this, we think nothing will stand in the way to make the last step into total self-sustainability of the project.

We believe this can be easily reached in a very simple way.

If you enjoy using our services, you're happy with a friendly community, quick and professional support, and the fact you can reach the Core Team in person and talk the night away, all it takes for this dream to come true for us, is if you reward our work with at least one cup of coffee you buy in your local coffee-shop once a month. If each Disrooter would do just that minimum, not only the entire staff could be on the payroll, we could donate big chunk of money on regular basis to all the Free and Open Source software projects we so much depend on and also keep investing in our hardware infrastructure without ever worrying about finances.

Long live Disroot and long live all the Disrooters out there. You make all of this is possible. Without you, Disrooters, there would be no Disroot as we know it today. So go ahead and pat yourselves on the back too and enjoy this little enclave.
Baschdel boosted
Friendly reminder not to refer to Discord guilds as "servers," as doing so perpetuates their user-hostile marketing garbage

After a few months of feels like coming home

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Baschdel boosted

@gbryant you're awesome, my dude and fellow Linux gamer. Your inspires and views on everything Linux is awesome, and very much appreciated on so may levels. Thank you for the work that you do.

Baschdel boosted

No matter which social network you're on, following a diverse group of people helps you taking a peek at the other side of your personal filter bubble.

You don't have to agree with everything and everyone, but please, at least try to listen to people and their opinions.

It will help you appreciate your own life, and may just make you a little wiser.

Baschdel boosted

Does anyone know of a (curated) list of URLs of public EFA APIs (public transport)?

Do you know one for your own city maybe?

Please send them my way, I'm collecting them for an open-source project that lets you query public transport stops, timetables & routes:

#opendata #boostme

Baschdel boosted

Understand my words with full knowledge and reverence for my connection to the void.

My data is not yours to own.

You came here and asked to sell us things, then tracked us with the things you sold us.

You came here and begged for trust, which many gave you, then betrayed it by selling our secrets.

Then you took away our nation.

My data is not yours to own.

Baschdel boosted

Just foud a new cool feataure in Whatsapp!
And yes that red button really does something awesome ...
(Feel free to repost this on something like Facebook)

Baschdel boosted

What is the best product (software or hardware) that Microsoft ever created?

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Germany has banned its #schools from using cloud-based productivity suites from Microsoft, Google, and Apple, because the companies weren't meeting the country's #privacy requirements.

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Baschdel boosted
Baschdel boosted

It's quite fun to watch the videos from @lunduke and @gbryant on #LBRY. I will check their shows more often there from now on. #lunduke #tlg

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