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“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

Pleroma feature that automatically boosts your own posts if you reply to them with "bump"
Software, technology, money. is not owned and operated by a large corporation! Due to the fact that we run completely free of ads, we have to rely on your help to keep the wired running here. If you are willing to support us, you can on

"The UK has become a surveillance state"

-Watch Dogs 3, ignorant of the fact that the UK IS already a surveillance state

New to Mastodon? Here are four intro guides to help you understand how everything works here. 

@skiring Please add me to Blockchain, Cyberpunk, Economics, Engineering, Fediverse, F/OSS, Hackerspace, Infosec, Operating Systems, Sysadmins.

#Pixelfed for #YunoHost has been upgraded to version 0.9.4.

#Pixelfed is a free and ethical photo sharing platform, powered by ActivityPub federation.

* Notification service
* Notification card on timeline
* Double-tap to like posts (no animation yet)
* Moderator Mode for timelines
* Emoji reaction bar
* Like and reply to comments
* [and more](

Upgrade with the following command:

$ yunohost app upgrade pixelfed -u

Should I bring back WrongThink from the dead but as a mastodon instance instead?

Microsoft created an AI system that leverages unclassified data to achieve 99.84% word accuracy in generating realistic speech.

Apple's WebKit team has proposed a new ad attribution technology for the web that measures clicks and conversions without tracking users.

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml