Good morning, to the start of a four day week 😍
I think a 4 day week should be the standard 😎
Now time for first #coffee of the day. Make it a good one!
The sun is shining, #coffee done, let's get out and do some #gardening :D
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Am 14. Mai findet der online Linux Presentation Day der Tux-Tage statt. Jeder, aber besonders Linux-Neulinge/Interessierte sind eingeladen!
Teilt gerne diesen Toot oder das Plakat mit Bekannten, die Linux und freie Software kennenlernen wollen.
Moin, ich kann die beiden empfehlen
Viel Spass hier :-)
Und @FediFollows
Good morning 😃
OK, who ordered all that snow? 😱
need some #coffee before I take my 🚲 to work.
couldn't have said it better 😅
Screw you MS-Edge
Sounds good, could you write a short, SSH set up for dummies (like me) also need one for my next cloud set up :-)
We need to know which platform to prioritize for the upcoming beta release.
Should we release on Android or iOS first?
Boosts appreciated! #pixelfed #mobileApp #android #ios #fediverse
BBC resurrects WWII-era shortwave broadcasts as Russia blocks news of Ukraine invasion
Shortwave broadcasts will be available on frequencies of 15735 kHz from 6pm to 8pm and 5875 kHz from midnight to 2am, Ukraine time
RT @DirksLegal
Liebe Follower: Ein übler Wochenstart ist, wenn morgens der Familiencamper geklaut ist - mit allem was drin ist und dran hängt. Bitt seid so nett und teilt das Sharepic. Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt. Danke.
#Camper #Kastenwagen #KaWa #Diebstahl #Hamburg #Pössl #2Win #Aufstelldach
To give even more people the opportunity to grow #opensource seeds, @opensourcegardens is mailing your starter kit directly to you! 🌱
Learn more and become part of the #ConnectingGardens community!
Willkommen in the fediverse :)