How To Reverse A String In Python #Python #python3 #coding
Waiting for the plane #airport #departures #coffee time 😁😁😁
@fatboy I've just started "Learn Python the hard way" from Zed Shaw, which is a good book. Also good is "automate the boring stuff with python" (with a good youtube chnl) and on youtube there is also a tutorial from Corey Schafer, which is very good! And look for the free pdf "ThinkPython"
#python course has been canceled :( ok, that means back to the books and youtube for the weekend ;-)
Will #impeachment be word of the week or will #brexit #johnson beat it? 😎
wie kann man gleichzeitig Bolsonaro wegen #AmazonForest kritisieren, und selbst in Wilhelmsburg 100er Bäume abholzen lassen? #HornartsdeicherWeg 60% weg
wie ignorant #Johnson #Rees-Mogg #prorogaton #coup
"David Koch lived long enough to see his dreams come true. Massive tax cuts for the rich, rampant environmental deregulation, America out of Paris accords. He got what he paid for"
Bill McKibben via Twitter
#Koch #DavidKoch
And the #amazon forest is burning whilst he dies.
Megan Rapinoe: 'We're everything Trump loves – except that we're powerful women'