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Jules boosted

RT @Botanygeek
Folks, if you want to justify your transphobia as a personal belief, that’s your right.

But using botany to do it, when plants can be either sex, both sexes and even swap between them at will, is a really poor example to pick.


A botanist

@AlanBell honestly I'm kind of hoping they come to the UK soon, I'm quite curious to try them!

Jules boosted


David Graeber got an economist to admit that he was not aware of single case where a company was fined more than the profit it turned breaking the law. He summarized this as the government saying: "Do all the crime you want, but if we catch you, you have to give us a cut."

Jules boosted

If you tell your friends about Mastodon, you’re technically an ambassador of the federation.

Jules boosted

No tomato shortage here - but I’m in Kherson, a frontline Ukrainian city that gets shelled by the Russians daily, not a British supermarket.

Jules boosted

It's passed! Spain has now moved to self-ID for trans folk, lowered the age for changing your gender marker, AND a ban on conversion therapy 🎉

That's one step away from the medicalisation of trans people in Europe, and a huge win for the LGBTQ+ community in Spain 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

Gun violence 

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

Jokes aside, this is standard M.O. for the anti-CRT / anti-wokeness / anti-PC crowd: Scream that you support free speech and want to free everyone's minds ... and then define progressive thought as intrinsically oppressive and indoctrinating. Hence, the state must engage in viewpoint-based suppression ... in the name of freedom.

@greengathering oh okay sorry, my client doesn't show previews

Jules boosted

It’s amazing how business want to run on data, but when presented with the successfulness of a 4-day work week, that’s not the data they want

Jules boosted

the funny thing about the emerging Gen X tech billionaire midlife crises is that they make the previous crop of tech billionaire midlife crises look positively dignified by comparison

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

Brexit, freedom of movement and Erasmus 

Jules boosted

#Random question but does anyone know a good and relatively #foolproof #recipe for lime pickle?

All recommendations welcome.

And yes, I could just buy some, but where's the adventure in that...

Over to the #mastoverse...


Jules boosted

Do not seize the day. This will startle the day and may cause it to become aggressive and give you a nasty bite.

Instead approach the day calmly without making eye contact, pet it gently, and slowly enfold it in a careful embrace

If the day shows any signs of resistance to being engaged with, it is likely to turn on you. Back off and return to bed.

Jules boosted

❝ Armed with a tool similar to an x-acto knife and a fruit or vegetable from the grocery store, Gaku carves intricate patterns that are often inspired by traditional Japanese motifs... When asked what he does with all his creations after he’s done, his reply is simple: he eats them. ❞ →

#FoodArt #vegetables #JapaneseArt #carving #broccoli #mukimono

Jules boosted

I started saving seeds in my typical imperfect way a few years ago; piecemeal and without a thorough education. I know I’m not doing it right or perfectly, but now I have grown the same heirloom peas that are special to a place and a gardener I love, and saved the seeds for the next year, for three years in a row, and I’m glad I didn’t let the unattainable “perfect” get in the way of something small and good. #gardening #seedsaving #seedstarting

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