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Jules boosted

UK is so far behind this level of ambition
RT @climate
Germany will ban gas and oil heating in new or renovated buildings from next year and likely increase subsidies to support their phaseout as Europe’s largest economy steps up efforts to meet climate targets

Jules boosted

#FollowFriday invite to follow and contribute to the hashtag #ClimateDiary! It’s a collective diary we are creating here on Mastodon to collect and share #ClimateCrisis experiences, thoughts and feeling from all over the world - to capture what it’s like living through this time in our everyday lives, and maybe build something togeher that can help. And do with it what you like - people have contributed in really diverse ways already! You can see more here

Jules boosted

I DID A MEND LOOK AT ME GO! This is my first ever mended clothing object that is not a sock. Today a hoodie, tomorrow EVERYTHING. #fiberuary #mending

Jules boosted

UK: "We have no food. The economy & social infrastructures are collapsing. "
UK gov: "Only the woke eat salad! British-made cardboard is more nutritious than foreign vegetables! Cardboard for lunch = patriotism; dirty foreign salad = treason, passport cancellation & deportation!"

Jules boosted

I realize it's blasphemy to say it around here, but I am still not too comfortable with the idea of a world where only nazis and fascists get to platform each other on one of the larger social media networks on the planet. What happens if Twitter doesn't die, but in fact, gets subsidized by sovereigns and elites who are more than happy to have a one way information channel keeping billons of the little people busy. I worry.

Jules boosted

I spoke to Ruchira at @VICE about sensitivity reading and how the #RoaldDahl thing is more nuanced than reports suggest

What Sensitivity Readers Actually Do, From a Professional

Jules boosted

TIL that one of Germany’s biggest supermarket chains will stop producing printed marketing flyers this year. Their main argument is the climate and the numbers are insane:

Yearly savings:

- 390.000 m3 of wood
- 70.000 tons of CO2
- 380.000.000 kWh of energy

It’s the CO2 equivalent of roughly 60.000 ICE cars and the energy could power 100.000 4-person households for a year 🤯

Jules boosted
Jules boosted
Jules boosted


In 19th century Europe, C-sections were performed only in direst need and maternal mortality was very high. At the same time in Africa, indigenous people were performing the operation successfully saving both. This is a thread on Banyoro obstetric surgery in the 19th century.

Jules boosted

i hope, though, that this exponential flood of inhuman content will finally make it impossible not to see that we all have inherent value regardless of what we produce or consume.

care about the world because caring matters. make art because it matters. *you* matter. each of us contains infinities the machines will never understand. don’t let them try to tell you that you can be replaced; you can’t. none of us can.

always ask yourself who benefits from your apathy, your overwhelm, your exhaustion, your loneliness.

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Jules boosted

usb drives you find lying on the ground are modern day cursed amulets

Jules boosted

Twitter: "Hi, we're run by a cryptofascist who reinstates the accounts of literal nazis while suspending those of press. We'll keep randomly taking away features with no notice and limiting your visibility until you pay us a monthly fee, which you can only do in a handful of countries. Vaccines are bad, the election was rigged, and we love Putin!"

Mastodon: "Hi! You need to choose a server and our DM UX is a little iffy."


Jules boosted

Everyone in Japan wears masks voluntarily. Why?

In 1918, Japan put a lot of effort into educating the public, providing masks for free, and mandating them in public spaces. They continued to do so, even when places like the US stopped.

The result? Long-term behavioral change.

What Japan did in 1918 was so effective in changing long-term behavior that 100 years later everyone in Japan wears masks voluntarily despite there being no mandates these days.


Jules boosted

Me: (Lives a life of reasonable dignity and safety, accomplishing goals that correspond to my values)

Conservatives: This is very offensive, to me; can we make a law against this?

Jules boosted

Ok, so there is much discussion about the alt text on pictures. My mom is legally blind. As she has gotten older her sight is almost gone. She LIVES on the computer and to say she gets excited when special attention is paid for the blind is a great understatement. Please use alt text and describe the pictures you post. Describe it as if you had your eyes closed and the only link to the outside world is what a kind soul took an extra 5 minutes to type. Come on, do it, make someone’s day.#AltText

@greengathering I can view this link with no problems? (Still using Librem Social) Maybe it's your client? What are you using?

Jules boosted
Jules boosted
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