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Jules boosted

💵 $1,000,000,000,000 💵

If only we could spend a *trillion* dollars every year to fight global heating and promote climate justice. But where would we get that kind of money??


Governments Spent Record $1 Trillion Last Year Subsidizing Fossil Fuels

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

Trans men's agency is very openly under attack. The believe that women and girls don't know their own minds and need others to step in and protect them from the consequences of their decisions IS patriarchy.

We're years behind in understanding the way transphobia specifically targets trans men and boys by infantalizing us and casting transphobia as necessary to stop us from making choices and living our lives as we see fit.

Jules boosted

Jimmy Carter put solar panels on the White House roof. Reagan took them down.

Jules boosted

I went to the Canterbury Vigil for #BriannaGhey yesterday night and I’ve not written about it yet because I don’t know how to fully express my feelings about the experience. But I’m gonna try. (Pictured: the sign I took)

Jules boosted

I belong to a support group for other parents of #trans kids. One of the parents just posted the obituary for their 16 year old on our group page.

This isn’t a game. It’s not idle or trendy. And it’s not up for debate. WE ARE FIGHTING FOR OUR CHILDREN’S LIVES. And we are fighting against an unending tidal wave of discrimination, misinformation, apathy, and bad faith punditry.

Jules boosted

**LAUNCH** of #ClimateDiary

I've been thinking for a while that it would be good to have a collective Climate Diary (along the lines of the Sussex Mass Observation project): people from across the world recording and sharing everyday observations, experiences, thoughts, feelings relating to the #ClimateCrisis

I would like to try out simply using a #Hashtag - #ClimateDiary - here on #Mastodon to create this and I would like to invite you all to join in and share widely! 1/2

Jules boosted

"Fuck their borders."

Via the Sea Urchins (a France-based collective of 'anti-fascist pirates').

Jules boosted

I would like to note that most anti-trans rhetoric is something along the lines of:

"Trans people can't have rights because cis people might abuse those rights."

Jules boosted

CW rant about ADHD/Autism adult identification 

Jules boosted
also journos stop calling trans people "trans activists". people aren't activists by virtue of existing, or if they are, then something's seriously wrong with the system in place

Okay I've just discovered Librem One federates with Gab, who I had thought were siloed off by the entire civilised Fediverse, so that's rather accelerated my plans to move to Planning to migrate over the next couple of weeks

Jules boosted

The names of the Finnish months also seem pretty lush. Starting in January:

Tammikuu ("oak moon")
Helmikuu ("pearl moon")
Maaliskuu ("earth moon")
Huhtikuu ("cleared woods moon")
Toukokuu ("spring moon")
Kesäkuu ("summer moon")
Heinäkuu ("hay moon")
Elokuu ("crops moon")
Syyskuu ("autumn moon")
Lokakuu ("MUD MOON")
Marraskuu ("dying moon")
Joulukuu ("Yuletide moon")

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Jules boosted

A friend of mine at the university library spent quite a bit of time helping a customer trying to find some elusive references, before they said that the "references" came from ChatGPT.

Jules boosted

Here's a first... I just got an email because ChatGPT suggested an article I wrote to somebody. Could I send them a copy? Except, I never wrote the article, it doesn't exist. PLEASE realize right now that this tool isn't pulling out cool references for you. It's making plausible titles and matching them to authors names.

Jules boosted

Has anyone done any writing on the use of neo pronouns in contemporary sci-fi? I've noticed a good majority of the books I've picked up has some form, and I've found it pretty comfortable - wondering what an academic look at this might show.

UKPol, Liz Bloody Truss 

Jules boosted

Again, for the people at the back: deterring stalking is more important than deterring the theft of property. People's safety is more important property. Even your property. Even my property. Even stuff I would be very angry at having stolen.

Jules boosted

Thanks to the Met Office archives, these sheets were scanned & made openly available, but how could the observations be extracted?

The answer? Ask for help:

16,000 volunteers stepped forward during the first UK COVID lockdown to transcribe every observation.

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