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Jules boosted

@sasha_strange “Historians have a word for Germans who joined the Nazi party, not because they hated Jews, but out of a hope for restored patriotism, or a sense of economic anxiety, or a hope to preserve their religious values, or dislike of their opponents, or raw political opportunism, or convenience, or ignorance, or greed.

That word is "Nazi." Nobody cares about their motives anymore.”

― A.R. Moxon

Jules boosted

Is there anyone out there who’s in the Los Angeles area with a 3D printer or wood who could cook up a kickstand for a smartphone that can be used by a hospital patient confined to their bed? Off-the-shelf solutions assume a flat and perfectly even surface, which is definitely not the case here.

Bit of a long shot, I know. But if I’m gonna find anyone with the requisite expertise and equipment, it’s here on the #fediverse.

I don’t usually ask, but—please boost!

Jules boosted

“AI” has zero to do with “intelligence”, it’s just the phone autocomplete we had for years but with more graphics cards

Jules boosted

Checkout the stunning "living bridges" in India. They become stronger over time and, because they're alive, do not rot in the humid tropics.

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

Latest data from the Open Repair Alliance is out!

🥳 >81,000 repair attempts logged by community groups all around the world

📈 Signs point to community repair events on the up again after the pandemic

🛠️ Most common items at events are lamps, vacuum cleaners and laptops, with the most fixable being lamps, sewing machines and hair dryers

🇩🇰 Repair Cafe Denmark joins the fold

More info and downloads at the ORA website

#OpenData #RepairData #RepairCafe #Repair

Jules boosted

@quixoticgeek Radioactive decay rate is independent of temperature. So baking bananas won't change how radioactive they are. However, depending on how many other ingredients you put in there and how much banana water baking evaporates off you might potentially concentrate or dilute the potassium

Jules boosted

It's often said that those who crave power are the last people who should be allowed to have it.

Looks like Jacinda Ardern and Nicola Sturgeon have nicely demostrated the corollary to that, namely that those who can be reasonably trusted with power are happy to give it up.

Jules boosted

Our friends at Freegle (UK #reuse and sharing platform) are looking for help to cover web hosting costs.

Please donate if you can, and spread the word. Reuse infrastructure doesn't come for free!

Jules boosted

“An MIT Technology Review investigation last April found that self-driving companies, including Tesla, took advantage of the collapse of Venezuela's economy by getting workers in the country to label self-driving data for an average of just over 90 cents an hour.”

Jules boosted

My kid is in a club at school, and they meet 4x a week for 4 hours. So all the parents chip in and stock a "snack cabinet" (granola bars, juice boxes, etc.) because teenagers are hungry goblins.
I went to fill the cabinet and noticed a padlock on it, apparently someone had been "stealing."
I admit, this triggered me.
I spoke to the coach and told him that perhaps he should talk to the kids and find out if one of them is food insecure instead of locking up some two dollar box of granola bars.
The look on his face, I could tell it kinda clicked, he didn't even think of that, just assumed it was some punk kid breaking rules.
People who grow up with wealth don't even realize that it changes the way they think. Luckily, he's a cool guy, and he was horrified that one of 'his kids' might be hungry at home. Sometimes it just takes one comment to open up someone's eyes to their privilege.

As I tell my own children: If you see someone stealing food, no you didn't.

Jules boosted

@quixoticgeek He doesn't, he hates them. Although if he treats them like that the feeling's probably mutual

@dutchbarracuda all the nutrition has gone into the water, which is now the same insipid yellow colour as the broccoli itself

Today I discovered my Dad boils broccoli for precisely seventeen minutes, until every vitamin is good and dead, and I honestly don't understand how his generation survived long enough to reproduce.


1-3 PM, Saturday, 18th February, at Cathedral Green

Meet by the statue – All are welcome

Jules boosted

People sometimes confuse the plural of octopus.

Here’s a guide:
• one octopus
• two octopuses
• three octopods
• 3.14 octopi

Jules boosted

UKPol, Racists 

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