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Jules boosted

I don’t understand non-billionaires who don’t support taxing billionaires because they hope to one day become one. If you have the confidence to believe you’ll one day make a billion dollars, you should have the confidence to believe you’ll figure out how to dodge taxes, too.

@vagina_museum today in "threads I wish I hadn't clicked" *whimper*

Jules boosted

Some #sacred #moss traces the words carved into this recumbent gravestone outside #SelbyAbbey #Church in #EastYorkshire. I suppose that the moisture held in the carved depressions that form the letters has encouraged the moss to do its stuff. #Mosstodon #gravestone #memory #writing @colinpurrington it is too easy to forget isn't it, which I why I'd quite like something designed so I can't.

@LarsJohannessen I guess adding a description allows the reader to decide if it's relevant, rather than the poster deciding for them?

Jules boosted

@afewbugs I was going to post this very question yesterday. At the very least, when an image is uploaded the edit dialogue should appear. There are soooo many excellent posts on Mastodon that I'd like to boost but I refuse to do so if there isn't a good description.

Jules boosted

rather than just reminding people to post image descriptions, has anyone ever created a Mastodon app that doesn't allow you to post images without descriptions? Thinking about it are there any circumstances in which you need the ability to post an image without a description?

Jules boosted

So one of the major problems with #ChatGPT is that it's deliberately opaque about the basis for the claims it makes. What happens if you explicitly ask it to cite its sources?

Turns out the answer is - it will just spit out citations for non-existent papers and falsely attribute scientific discoveries to people who didn't make them!

(local differentially private mechanisms have existed since at least the 60s, and have been studied by that name since at least 2008:

Jules boosted

#OnThisDay, 28 Nov 1967, PhD student Jocelyn Bell Burnell discovers the existence of pulsars.

Not included in the 1974 Nobel prize for the discovery, Bell received a £3m prize for her work in 2018. She's using it to set up a foundation to improve diversity in STEM.

#WomenInSTEM #Histodons #ScienceHistory

Animal Experimentation, Animal cruelty 

Animal Experimentation, Animal cruelty 

Jules boosted

Did you know you can tell the age of a fake Christmas tree by counting the rings of tape?

Jules boosted

@kjhealy Next generation of GPT bot rumored to be so realistic that when you ask it how the writing is going it bursts into tears

Jules boosted

Next generation of GPT bot rumored to so realistic that when you ask it to write something important to meet a deadline it goes ahead and cleans your house.

Jules boosted

To be honest, this seems worse than having the road blocked by #climate #activists for a few minutes.

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

From top to bottom, the media is laser focused not on the threat of a growing fascist movement but on debating whether that movement's targets and enemies, LGBT+ and trans people specifically, should even be allowed to exist alongside "normal" people.

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Jules boosted

Seasonal Reminder !

The #SalvationArmy is not a #charity. They are an evangelical protestant church that uses donations to oppose #LGBTQ rights.

Give them NOTHING.

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