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Jules boosted

The trouble with allowing Sunak to bring the term ‘illegal protests’ into the jargon without challenge is that it will lead to a mindset where all protests are seen as illegal. A bit like ‘illegal immigrants’. Journalists have a duty not to let this happen.

#skull #bones 

Jules boosted

have a fabulous Friday its been a frosty one here

@futurebird I think maybe card readers are still catching up with the technology. I guess public transit readers are designed to get people through the gates as quickly and efficiently as possible, whereas the bar had a card reader that was sort of between the bartop and a till screen, easy enough to get a card held in a hand onto, but not the width of a watch plus wrist

UK racism 

#skull #bones 

@futurebird I watched a friend contort his wrists into a series of increasingly awkward shapes to try and get his smart watch in the right position on the pad to pay for his drinks in the bar last night, and had to conclude that the future may be here but it looks hellishly uncomfortable

Jules boosted

UK racism 

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Jules boosted

Finding a therapist in the UK - an important tip 

Jules boosted

You can’t spell fediverse without diverse.

Jules boosted

A lot of Mastodon instance admins are either getting their first hosting bill or getting a very increased bill from extreme growth and usage. Some may be experiencing bill shock.

Please make sure your paying/supporting them!

Twitter was free because you were the product. Mastodon doesn't work this way.

Many instances list a patreon or donation links on their about page.

UK racism 

UK racism 

Jules boosted

Oh the mind boggles about those cat-related lawsuits :ablobcatwave: #cats

Jules boosted

I’m reading Jennifer Higgie’s The Mirror and the Palette, and it’s not only a history of some astonishingly strong-willed and open-minded women who could conceive themselves as artists. You also get to know some very fine gentlemen, whose ability to see & support their daughters, sisters an above all wives as primarily a working artist, sometimes seems even more extraordinary and revolutionary. Charles Beale, Mary Beale’s Husband, for example, really is an ornament to his sex.

Jules boosted

Mondrian Crescent

I love it when train doors align at the end of a tunnel. The red tiles at Green Park station make this the ideal location to capture this moment.

It wasn't luck though, instead I froze the moving train with a fast shutter. It took ages to get it centred.

This final image resembles an abstract art painting by Piet Mondrian.

#art #mastoart #abstract #architecture #photography #potd #symmetry #london #underground #londonunderground #railway #mondrian #tiles #photo

Jules boosted

Oh, so you want to be a gatekeeper? Name five different gates!

Jules boosted

Moss with water drops - after yesterday's frost today we have a heavy dew/frost melt.

#mosstodon #moss

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