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UK racism 

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UK racism 

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UK racism 

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UK racism 

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UK racism 

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UK racism 

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UK racism 

@DonAlvar @matthewbest depressingly I think a few of them probably would be. But I don't know anything about the regulatory environment in the US, but here in the UK I'd be very surprised if you could get approval to do that to primates for that little clear benefit

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

why call it bird site when ‘the fowl place’ is right there and a much better pun

@matthewbest how on Earth are they getting ethical approval for these studies???

Jules boosted

Happy 1st of December! 🎄☃️

As we countdown to the festivities, keep an eye out for these butterflies and moths in your garden or local green space. 🦋

Be sure to share your photos of the fluttery friends you've seen with us 📸

#SaveButterflies #MothsMatter

Jules boosted

Pigeon photobomb, Brighton seafront, UK.

Incredibly lucky, unintended, genuine pigeon shot. Pigeon flies into centre frame as pic is taken. Exactly between two railings. Only edit is slight sharpening.

#Pigeon #Birds #BirdLovers #LuckyShot #LuckyPigeon #BirdLife #BirdPhotography #BirdWatching #NaturePhotography #WildlifePhotography #CanonPhotography #BackGardenBirds #CanonSX50 #BirdPics

Jules boosted

The best dating advice I ever got was to remember that if someone ghosts me, they were probably a hired assassin who fell in love and couldn't finish the job.

Jules boosted

You want to help #OpenSource #FreeSoftware but you are not a developer? And English isn't your first language? Well - that's just perfect! Join us at #codeberg and donate some of your time and knowledge of your language by helping with translations for many open source projects at!

Jules boosted

While not *really* for #MedTwitter or #MedMastodon, I feel like anyone can enjoy this oral history of when six pediatric specialists swallowed Lego heads to see how long it would take for them to exit their bodies, an experiment that was published in the “Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health” under the title, “Everything is awesome: Don't forget the Lego”

Jules boosted

the "danger of a filter bubble" is that you might, through tremendous effort, construct a useful, readable and enjoyable incoming flow without turds bobbling in it

this idea is strongly objected to by the turds

@veanova @Ruth_Mottram I stopped drinking dairy maybe five or six years ago and have occasionally been given coffees with dairy milk in since by accident, weirdly I can always tell immediately because all dairy milk now tastes like spoiled milk to me

Jules boosted

For thousands of years, native peoples of the southeastern US harvested mollusks, depositing shells in midden mounds that grew to be literal islands above the surrounding marshland. Many of these mounds now host "hammocks", or groves of trees ecologically distinct from neighboring biomes. In Florida, many endangered tropical plant species are only found in these small handful of shell hammocks. Another way that native people enrich the environment through traditional practices. #ClamFacts

Jules boosted

All I can say about this is that archaeologists of the future are going to have their work cut out for them. Because memes don't fossilize.

(Image from: Rage Against the Geek)

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