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Jules boosted

Growing up, I had three sisters. One of them was a quiet child, often angry or sullen and sometimes cruel.

One day that person went away.

And then I had a brother.

He was cheerful and warm, finally comfortable in a body he'd wanted his entire life.

Conservatives want to eradicate my brother. I'm here to say that's not going to happen.


Jules boosted

TIL that there's something called "Silicon Valley Bank" at the same moment that I learned that every assumption I would have made about something called that would have turned out to be correct.

Kind of pissed off that if you hang on to your old protest badges long enough they become relevant again, which is not how this is supposed to work.

Jules boosted

It never ceases to shame me that standing up for desperate human beings fleeing for their lives & thinking we should protect them is “political.”

Yet turning refugees back at sea & locking them up is a neutral view.

It ain’t.

Pick a side.

compassion or cruelty


Jules boosted

Irony: That this is in the square outside the HQ of the BBC.

Jules boosted

UK politics 

Jules boosted

I was reminded at coffee break this afternoon that #Mosstodon is a thing, so please enjoy this picture that I took over 17 years ago in the Scottish Borders. I hope you will agree that it is good moss.

Jules boosted

Wow, EasyJet Plus has an AMAZING system for entering your phone number prefix.
(It's alphabetical by country.)

Jules boosted

Are there #makers in or around #Sheffield who are interested in joining a small team of volunteers who help to make things possible for people with disabilities?

Remap is a UK national charity with the aim of helping disabled people of all ages to live more independent lives.

Unfortunately the Sheffield panel currently has no lead volunteer to oversee the monthly meetings and the panel is due to be closed at the end of March if one is not found. Ask me for more info.

Jules boosted

who called it “writing documentation” and not “manual labor”

Jules boosted

Noted Football Broadcaster Ian Wright declines to host #MOTD in Solidarity with #GaryLineker
Fucking beautiful 😀

Jules boosted

Of all the reports on the #Sheffield street tree scandal I've seen, this has to be the most shocking detail: Council bosses considered killing thousands of healthy trees to justify cutting them down

Jules boosted

Media bosses in places like Hong Kong risking their lives to uphold principle of independent journalism; bbc giving it away

"Britain will help fund a detention centre in northern France as part of a £500m package to stop trying to cross the Channel"

Gosh I wonder how many people's asylum claims could be processed and how easily they could be supported to join UK society for £500m?

Jules boosted

Content is corporate.

Don't be corporate.

The only way left to combat the algorithms is being aggressively human.

The has decided not to broadcast an episode of 's , which will be available on catchup only, about environmental damage due to fears of rightwing backlash. This is the problem with our national broadcaster constantly living in fear that the government will cut its funding if it says anything they disagree with.

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

Give a man a fish, lightly poached, with a chilled Chablis and profiteroles for pudding. Don't try to teach him anything. Get over yourself.

Jules boosted

Barbie have come a long way. This is ace news. Maggie Aderin-Pocock has her own Barbie! “The Barbie modelled on me is a space scientist with her own telescope. Girls should be shown that anything is possible”. #space #physics #women

Jules boosted

Studies have shown food tastes about 40% better if eaten while your other hand is holding the fridge door open.

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