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Jules boosted

@BethanyBlack Yeah, no one with a voice in the media ever really talks about how phones are just a tool that's being misused by only ever being a way to hoover up shitty social media.

Meanwhile, kids are getting into creative arts using nothing more than their phone because the barrier to entry is lower than ever.

But yeah, phones bad.

Jules boosted

Wonderful, several articles today on how smartphones are destroying mental health, shared initially by the usual suspects who are famous for bullshit over sound data analysis and then amplified by people who really should know better.

They say smartphones when what they mean is “unmoderated social media”, but they don’t want properly moderated social media, they wand teenagers to not have access to phones.

Jules boosted

Food and drink producers are greenwashing their products by classifying them as CO2 neutral and must be banned, according to one of Europe's leading consumer NGOs.

In a report published on Thursday, the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) says that 'greenwashing' labels are becoming increasingly common on the shelves of supermarkets, as brands are discreetly stating that the product on sale is climate-neutral and therefore good for the planet.

#Europe #GreenWashing

Jules boosted

Big cities like Hongkong inspired the Megapolis Architecture series—a digital art showcase of dense and sometimes dystopian buildings. This way of living together has a particular fascination for me.
Wall Art Prints: #architecture #city #urban #hongkong #megapolis #skyscraper #art #mastoart #wallart #AYearForArt #BuyIntoArt #ArtMatters #SpringIntoArt

Still thinking about the presentation I saw yesterday on Sporotrichosis, a fungal infection that affects humans and cats. All the photos of human patients had a little black or white rectangle over their eyes to protect their identities. All that cats shown ... also had a little rectangle over their eyes.

Jules boosted

UK pol, refugees 

Jules boosted

The UK had just 72'000 applications for asylum in 2022. That's a 20 year high.

France had 499'914 in 2021.

Don't tell France they should be doing more when every indication is that the UK does very little except pour hate on desperate people.


Jules boosted

this is a recent profile of #HaraldurÞorleifsson aka #Halli, the #Twitter employee (via sale to Twitter of Ueno, the company at which he was CEO) whom #ElonMusk says "did nothing," & mocked for his disability, but who was voted Person of the Year this year for his tech & accessibility work in his home country of Iceland

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

My god. Braverman citing the 'law abiding, patriotic majority'.

If it walks like a nazi, looks like a nazi and speaks like a nazi.

She's a fucking nazi.

Jules boosted

If you access corporate email on a personal device that can be unlocked with FaceID, you must change your face at least once every sixty days.

You may not reuse any of the most recent 12 faces.

#infosec #PasswordExpiration #BYOD

Jules boosted

The reason why small boats cross the channel are myriad. The main one being that there are no legal options available to them.

Braverman is lying to you. Stoking the hatred, turning your attention from the problems the tories have created, and fostered for 13 years, to poor people fleeing war, famine, persecution and death.

She is the worst of us.


Jules boosted

What I find interesting about this sign is that it appears to be wilfully misleading. This certainly isn’t *public*, in the sense of shared by and for the benefit of the public. It’s private parking, which citizens can pay a private profit-making company to use. We need to be honest about who benefits from different aspects of our cities, and we cannot forget what genuine public space and public facilities are, because otherwise we risk losing them. #cities #Cars #PublicSpace

Jules boosted

On this #TrailCamTuesday, here's one of my favourite clips captured to date. Can't wait to get back and see who has passed through this winter. #wildlife

Petition from asking the to stop offering flights as prizes, which normalises flying, one of the most carbon intensive activities we can do, in a time of .

@UnconventionalEmma I do wonder if whoever wrote that imagined their target customer was covered in stickers to the extent that they struggled to breathe

Just got an ad on Instagram for floral stickers that started "If you've ever felt stifled by regular stickers..." and that's it, we need to wind the marketing industry up now. And also probably Western civilization

Jules boosted

Sometimes people are out there doing cool shit, cool shit you'll never know about. You gotta be OK with that.

Social media gives us visibility, and we expect it. While at the same time the algorithms hide things from us, things get memory holed. There's the expectation of visibility, that if we don't see/know about things that are happening then they aren't. Algorithmic social media reinforces this. Perceived lack of action adds to feeling despondent, which drives engagement for those sites. Don't get me wrong, there is inaction, definitely.

But feeling like no one is doing anything at all, that's just not true. We should have some trust that people that share our values *do* care, and may be acting in ways that aren't obvious, both intentionally and unintentionally. That doesn't mean leave it all to them, it means thinking with interdependence in mind. You aren't alone in this, so how can you contribute? How can your actions bolster another's? Using this lens this can lead to agency and activation, we can be mycelial!

Birch bark roses curled up in a Cadburys Roses tin, ready for birch tar extraction at the conference

It seems to be a universal rule of campsite shower design to never include enough places to hang your dry clothes *squelches sadly off to breakfast*

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