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Jules boosted
Jules boosted

Almost 200 million people around the world have endometriosis. So why does it take so long to get diagnosed? Here's an #EndometriosisAwarenessMonth thread about this common and chronic gynaecological condition.

Jules boosted

Has anyone else had difficulty with #AccountMigration from @purism's #LibremOne to #SocialCoop (@SocialCoop)? When I try to create an #AccountAlias it says my old account handle could not be found. Anyone able to advise please? Many thanks

Jules boosted

Tories don't want you to know this: April 5th is the deadline to apply for voter ID - or register for a postal vote by April 18th. Get the word out. #VoterID

Jules boosted

The only Scientologist I'd really enjoy meeting would be the Church of Scientology Buffalo but when I look for pictures of him all I can find is pictures of some dumb building :(

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Jules boosted

#PSA: Many #LED #lightbulbs don't last their warranty period or the hours they claim to last. When you install one, save the receipt and write on the base with a fine-tip permanent marker: the date you bought it, the number of hours it's rated for, and the warranty length. If it fails prematurely, you can use that info and the receipt to get a free replacement. You'll save some cash, and people doing this incentivizes manufacturers to stop selling crap bulbs. #ConsumerActivism

Jules boosted

my cat doesn't meow when he needs something

he meows in case he needs something, and checks if he has it already afterwards

he just meowed because he thought maybe his bowl was empty, but it wasn't, so he began eating.

@Paarsec It is actually isn't it? Well done my phone

@Paarsec Sure, sex is great, but have you ever fancy coming to the pond today and tomorrow morning?

Jules boosted

Capitalism has convinced you RSS is antiquated. The real reason it's fading is because it doesn't have ads and tracking. You going to tell me the news article is truly better on a browser with ads than on a little program you can open any time, on or offline?

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Jules boosted

This is what conservatives sound like when they complain about cancel culture after saying or doing racist, sexist or otherwise abusive things.

Jules boosted

Interview with Greta Thunberg at the indigenous Sámi's occupation of the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy in protest against the State's continuing violation of the law,
in Norwegian, my translation.

Journalist: Greta Thunberg, can you say what you are doing here?
Greta: Eh, I think it's better to ask other activists that have been here, ehm, for longer.

Journalist: But why have you come to Oslo to participate in the demo?
Greta: To show my support.

Journalist: You are mostly known as a climate-activist, but in this case isn't the push for clean and renewable energy losing to the indigenous peoples' rights?
Greta: Climate justice can only be achieved if we discuss indigenous peoples' rights, so it goes very much hand in hand, I'd say.

Journalist: Do you think it's possible to have reindeer herding and wind power side by side?
Greta: As you possibly heard earlier... no, I don't think I am the most suitable person to ask here.

Journalist: So you believe that in this case that the wind turbines at Fosen must be demolished?
Greta: Yes... that's why we're here :-D.

There was also a livestream 1½ hour livestream, but audio cut out after a couple of seconds and it's >2GB filesize and Mastodon has a 40MB video filesize limit.

Jules boosted

"There is, in reality, absolutely no reason to believe that the necessary changes will make us less happy or less satisfied. If we manage to do this right, then our lives will be given more meaning than selfish, shallow over-consumption can ever give us. Instead, we can make time and space for community, solidarity, and love—the true tenets of a good life."

#Climate #ClimateEmergency

Greta Thunberg: Saving the Climate Means Changing How We Live | Time

Jules boosted

Once again, @JuliusGoat has written something worth reading.

"It’s almost gotten to be boring, the degree to which people believe that what they refer to as 'free speech' should not only allow them to say whatever they want (which it does), but should also prevent other people from understanding them to be the sort of person who says those things."

"People like Scott Adams claim they're being silenced. But what they actually seem to object to is being understood."

Jules boosted

“The reason most public transportation is seen as ‘losing’ money is precisely because it charges for trips. If you don't charge fares, suddenly it can't ‘lose’ money. It just costs money, the same as the roads.”

This random comment has given me my new favourite argument for removing fares from public transit.

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

"Can you explain this gap in your resume?"

Yes. Life is about more than constant and meaningless toil for 40-50 years and a desolate twilight of failed ambitions. The social contract is broken and the system is a lie. You and I are both trapped in the same Sisyphean hell, where no amount working harder or longer will ever truly grant the rewards we were promised. The real question is, why are there no gaps in YOUR resume?


Errr, freelancing. I was freelancing.

Jules boosted

Right now, the entire country of Denmark is using 4.245MW of electricity.

Windmills are producing: 3.442 MW
Solar is producing: 746 MW

So if we do the math, wind + solar = 98.7% of our energy use right now is 100% renewable

Just a reminder that not only can we fix climate change, we are fixing it.

Thinking about it, is also useful for sighted people to highlight the salient parts of an image. I once posted what to me was a picture of a small sock on a stick drying over a campfire with the caption "child in pond incident". Turns out most people noticed the roaring fire not the sock, prompting many frantic "No no no we didn't set the child on fire as a punishment!" replies.

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