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Jules boosted

Remembering flower filled days.
Today is a day for remembering warm autumn days with beautiful wild #asters dotting the woods and fields. Originally posted as part of my #floweraday project, it was titled Aster Galaxy. Each post was meant to bring cheer and if you want to read the message on that day, February 7, 2021, here is the link. I hope this dazzling little galaxy brightens your day today, my friends.
#vintagelens #helios

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

I don’t know if “climate activist” is really the right way to put it. Like, if I’m drowning and trying to come up for air, I’m not suddenly an “oxygen activist”—I’m literally just trying to stay alive. Maybe addressing climate change shouldn’t be viewed as an “activist” position.

Jules boosted

Exactly one year ago today, a certain formerly-feral kitty felt brave enough to explore our master bedroom for the first time.

What he found there blew his little street kitty mind.

That's right: today is the first anniversary of Napoleon discovering duvets exist.

Jules boosted

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Random quotes from Shakespeare every hour. Medieval manuscript illustrations out of context. I saw glitched television frames as abstract art poignant with commentary on the futility of life. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

Jules boosted

When anyone doesn't have a basic necessity because they can't afford it, then we, as a society, have failed; not any individual.

Today I discovered there is an academic at the university where I work called Professor Slippers, and I am unable to imagine him as anything other than an elderly and contented tabby cat.

Jules boosted

Omg Led By Donkeys tracked down Michelle Mone's yacht berthed in non Brexit territory south of Barcelona and snuck up and with huge decals renamed it...
"Pandemic Profiteer"

😂🙌 If you don't follow Led By Donkeys anywhere, you're missing key boots on the ground work to chase those that should be held accountable.

My day is made.
Find them. Follow them. And if you can, support them.

#tory #sleaze #activism #EnoughIsEnough

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

Incredible writing by @pluralistic on Netflix, hatred of ambiguity by the tech industry, and the denial of “correct” humanity by rich white dudes in boardrooms for the rest of us:

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

"Will yo’ come o’ Sunday mornin’
For a walk o’er Winter Hill?
Ten thousand went last Sunday
But there’s room for thousand still!
Oh there moors are rare and bonny
And the heather’s sweet and fine
And the roads across the hilltops –
Are the people’s – yours and mine!"

Written in 1920 by Alan Clark commemorating the 1896 Winter Hill mass trespass. It took 100 years for the road to be finally declared a public right of way in 1996.

Jules boosted

Does anyone know a resource for journalists to report on disability - that isn't terrible or use people-first language?

AND does anyone know a resource for journalists to report on class and classism? I can't find anything at all on that

#journalism #class #classism #disability #SocialModel

Jules boosted

I've been wanting to upgrade my bike for a while to electric and have been looking at all the options of front, mid and rear drive, batteries, etc. All options are obviously expensive.
But I was browsing FB marketplace and saw a used ebike for about a quarter of its RRP, including an extra battery.
I'd test it before buying, but cannibalising another bike might work out cheaper in the long run.

Jules boosted

1. Florida teachers are being told to remove all books from their classroom libraries OR FACE FELONY PROSECUTION

The new policy is based on the premise that teachers are using books to "groom" students or indoctrinate them with leftist ideologies.


Jules boosted

Sometimes you get lucky, but I also believe you make your own luck.

I was walking down the hill to escape the harsh sunlight engulfing the area I was in. The conditions were sublime, but the light was too harsh. I then found a shaded pocket of the woods covered in hoar frost. Upon turning the corner this scene appeared.

After organising my composition and setting up, I had time for a couple of frames before the moment passed.

#woodland #trees #winter #art #photomonday #landscapephotography

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