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Jules boosted
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Jules boosted

"if i replace all the words, is it really plagiarism?"

this argument is known as the ship of thesaurus

Jules boosted

When I was younger, I thought that "lawsuit" was a tongue-in-cheek word for "attorney".

You know, because of what they're practicing and how they're usually dressed.

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In 1994, groundbreaking footage of deep sea octopuses mating was captured for the first time. Both octopuses were male. And of completely different species. A small pale octopus of unidentified species was topping a 1.5 metre brown octopus. The encounter lasted 16 minutes. 

Jules boosted

This video camera study showed that less than 5% of people on bikes break traffic laws while riding, yet 66% of people do so when driving. And if you REALLY want even MORE bike-riders to obey laws, build more protected bike infrastructure. Via @carltonreid

#urbanism #bikes #cars #laws #cities #safety

@MartinFarrent I just felt terribly teenage complaining about my parents online honestly

Deleted my toots from last night, I shouldn't post when I'm angry

Jules boosted

how to talk to your child about hosting a fediverse instance

Jules boosted

me: it doesn’t have a tail so i’m pretty sure it’s a hamster

tech support: okay fine right-click the hamster

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"Family is where love is. I support LGBT+ families". This drawing by Russian artist and activist Yulia Tsvetkova is a statement of solidarity. In 2020 she was charged with spreading "gay propaganda" among minors and fined 75,000 roubles (about £900) for the making and sharing this drawing.

Jules boosted

This is repeated so often:

"Blue light coming from LED screens of smartphones tricks your brain into thinking it’s still daytime, and won’t let you sleep"

I doubt it. It's just an excuse for a new feature to boost sales.

I don't use phones at bedtime because if I surf the web just before lights out there's a high probability of finding something interesting - or worse - annoying enough to make me think about it for a while. This effect is *far* more severe than any nonsense about blue light.

@drvolts I don't understand how people in the US cope with drinking alcohol in areas without public transit - do you all just get taxis? Doesn't that cost a fortune? Presumably you have to plan everything really carefully and can't spontaneously go for drinks after work?

Jules boosted


The Tories are so screwed — parents of sick kids are joining picket lines and demos in place of the #NHS nurses treating their kids.

‘Anne Gadsden was at the picket line outside UCL Hospital to show solidarity for a nurse looking after her child.

“I’ve come here to represent the nurses looking after my child. He’s in intensive care… in an induced coma. So I’m here because she’s looking after my son. She can’t come so I’m here.”’

Pity Labour can’t be arsed to support our nurses….

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“True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar. It comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring.”
— Beyond Vietnam, 1967

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On my way to Berlin's criminal court to support - as an expert on the climate crisis - the defense of an activist who disrupted traffic. Whether the judge will allow it remains to be seen. I'd testify why, on a factual basis, the climate problem is now a climate emergency.

Jules boosted

The government confirms the #OnlineSatefyBill will class video showing people crossing the Channel in small boats in a 'positive light' as illegal content. Upload filters could restrict or remove lawful posts with serious implications for public discourse.

How will the algorithm know what is encouraging immigration and what is a video clip of a documentary about the issue? #freedomofexpression

Jules boosted

I can’t get over how utterly relaxed Greta Thunberg looks here. She’s just like “Yeah this is part of the plan. Now I get carried somewhere by cops.” My new life goal is to have that level of confidence and chill about direct action. #GretaThunberg #Luetzerath #climatechange

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