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Jules boosted

Big thanks to #ElonMusk honestly. Although he misleadingly frames it as "your" fault, what he is explaining here is that #Twitter's algorithm is designed to pour oil on every fire it sees.

Some of us have been pointing out how dangerous that is for years now.

@feralpunk They have a form, an email address and a telephone number How terribly convenient. It's

Telephone: +44 20 3985 0445


in case they decide to change the website for some reason

Jules boosted

@afewbugs this. In case we can't find contact details for Mr Darwall himself, it might be worth contacting his company Devon Equity Management each time we feel like camping on his land. Which could reasonably be everyday, I guess.

Jules boosted

Right, the easiest way to solve this: NO GENDER FOR ANYONE UNTIL THEY’RE 18

Jules boosted

At some point this will definitely result in forms where a valid answer for gender is "Scottish"

Jules boosted

Growing up surrounded by that environment, people internalise the idea that fast, untrammelled, near-consequence-free motoring is normal and, moreover, people conclude that *this must surely be the proper way of things*. In our paper we call this mindset "Motonormativity" 11/14

Jules boosted

Is this self-interest? Cognitive dissonance? Most people drive, so it might make sense they'd make excuses.

But no. We separated out the subset of people who didn't themselves drive and they basically responded the same as the drivers, also making special pleading for cars 8/

Jules boosted

Here's the full set of answers. As you can see, responses could change dramatically when driving was mentioned. All except Question 2 were hugely statistically different.

This doesn't make sense! The principle is the same in both forms of each question; only context changes 6/14

Jules boosted

For example, half were asked if they agreed:

"People shouldn't drive in highly populated areas where other people have to breathe the car fumes"

and half got:

"People shouldn't smoke in highly populated areas where other people have to breathe the cigarette fumes"


Jules boosted

Randomly, people either got questions about driving or they got the same set of questions with a couple of words changed so that they asked exactly the same things, but not about driving 3/14

Jules boosted

We have a new study out!

The short version is this: "Car Brain" - the cultural blind spot that makes people apply double standards when they think about driving - is real, measurable and pervasive.

Read on for more details... 1/14

Jules boosted

And even to this day, in some locations, and at certain times when other toilet facilities are closed, there is the urinary leash for anyone who cannot use a urinal. For example, in many cities, late at night there will be public urinals available, but no sit-down toilets.

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Jules boosted

Many trans people face a urinary leash effect in public following moral panics surrounding trans people using the toilet affecting safety. This has had a knock-on effect for cisgender, but gender non-conforming people too.

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Jules boosted

Access to toilet facilities for disabled people is uneven at best. Many public spaces offer few, if any, toilet facilities which are wheelchair accessible and have adequate mobility aids such as grab rails, flat access, and space to turn.

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Jules boosted

It has been repeated many times, but the idea that cis het men would go to any bother whatsoever pretending to be trans women in order to sexually assault someone when they do so all the time already and are rarely and barely punished for it is patently absurd, and yet we are constantly forced to address this nonexistent, made-up problem by people who just want trans people to disappear and die.

Jules boosted

Another scandal is gathering pace:

the 'self-disconnection' of those people already transferred to #prepaymeters due to problems paying their #energy bills.

Therefore not only do vulnerable people pay higher tariffs & have difficulty accessing Govt. #energycrisis support, the energy firms have found a way round their statuary obligations limiting the ability to cut-off people in financial trouble from life-sustaining energy supplies!

#Ofgem must act, fast!

Jules boosted

The urinary leash is a constraint on participating in society. People can go out in public, but only for so long as they can hold their bladder.

Although the concept applied historically to Victorian women, there are still, to this day, several groups who are affected by the urinary leash.

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Jules boosted

Phrase of the day: "Urinary leash".

This phrase originates from a problem in Victorian England. Public toilets were becoming more popular, but there was a major issue: a lot of them were urinals.

Those providing the facilities couldn't really see much of a problem with this. They believed that women belonged in the home, so saw no pressing need to provide facilities to pee with a vulva.

I just wish we could get away from all the shaming because a) putting energy into collective campaigning will always be more effective than putting that energy into trying to minimise our individual lifestyle impacts, and our time and energy isn't infinite, and b) we live in a consumer capitalist society, we can never live a fully harm-free lifestyle without completely detaching from majority society and in doing so giving up our ability to influence it.

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And it just made me think that honestly my lifestyle probably has a lower environmental footprint than 70 to 80% of the UK population, but that response still made me feel ashamed and guilty. This sort of thing really doesn't work to make people want to make changes, it's just going to turn them off the environmental movement.

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