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Jules boosted

Altruism in birds?

When we attached tiny, backpack-like tracking devices to five Australian magpies for a pilot study, we didn’t expect to discover an entirely new social behaviour rarely seen in birds.

Our goal was to learn more about the movement and social dynamics of these highly intelligent birds, and to test these new, durable and reusable devices.
Instead, the birds outsmarted us.

As our new research paper explains, the magpies began showing evidence of cooperative “rescue” behaviour to help each other remove the tracker.

Surgery, diet culture 

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Surgery, diet culture 

Jules boosted

“Wood smoke is astonishingly harmful. Though only 8% of households in the UK (mostly wealthy ones) have a wood-burning stove, they release more small particulates (the most dangerous pollutants) than all the vehicles on the road. Even a modern, approved, “eco-friendly” wood burner produces 750 times as many fine particulates as a heavy goods vehicle.”

#AirPollution #ClimateChange #Energy #Wood

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Jules boosted

UK Covid modelling data to stop being published so government can continue to pretend they did a great job.

@sarahtaber I finally got around to darning a pair of hiking socks this Christmas. They were admittedly expensive socks in the first place, costing about £15, but I estimate it took me about four hours in all. Minimum wage in the UK is £9.50 an hour, and I earn more than minimum wage. Economically it would make far more sense to buy new socks, and honestly it's only the fact I enjoy darning as a restful activity that makes it make sense for me

Jules boosted

Spending 10+ hrs this weekend mending clothes that I couldn't get around to for over a decade thanks to serious overwork

and sitting with how this sweater got into this condition because its first owner couldn't keep up with high-maintenance clothing as her body deteriorated

has really been an exercise in thinking about how time is the only thing we have.

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Jules boosted

Here's the first & most recent mend I've made on this sweater so far.

Practice counts for a LOT!

There's a reason I've had this sweater for 12 years & only now got around to mending it. It just plain takes time. It sits in that lovely place between "it's so simple!" & "actually no, it's not at all."

idk I feel like a lot of content about mending clothes can get real preachy about "people just don't take time for this anymore." That attitude can go fuck itself into the sun.

Jules boosted

"a company called Karens for Hire ('We Karen so you don’t have to'), which promised to harness the power of accomplished complainers in the service of beaten-down customers, abused tenants and anyone else with a dispute that outstripped their own capacity to carp....Karens for Hire, which includes two other part-time advocates and a lawyer on retainer, has received more than 2,300 requests for help since it launched last spring."

Jules boosted

okay you all need to see this new cover by the HarperCollins Union (who are still! on! strike!) bc im pretty sure theyre not on mastodon and this is so funny everyone needs to see it

And you need to support them in their fight for a fair wage!!!!! ill share some of their links down thread for how to support 👇


#bookstodon #books #literature #reading #writingcommunity

@amber think. It is a universal truth that just as you're twerking away at your bench, perhaps singing some lyrics you may possibly have made up to substitute the word arabidopsis in places it really doesn't scan, someone else you didn't know was here will walk in

I love how Christmas dinner follows a prescribed template but boxing day breakfast is just a freeform free-for-all of self indulgence. Fried Christmas pudding? Leftover roasties and parsnips with vegannaise? Half a tub of quality street and a glass of Bailey's? Express your creativity folks!

Jules boosted

When you want to go for a Boxing Day swim... but there’s sewage in the water!

😧 💩 🏊

We’ve launched legal action against the Government to make sure water companies clean up their act – and clean up our rivers and coastal waters.

Support the cleanup:

Jules boosted

Fission is in the news, but few recognize that a woman physicist was behind the discovery.

Lise Meitner’s brilliance led to the discovery of nuclear fission. But her long time collaborator Otto Hahn, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry w/o her in 1944, even though she had given the first theoretical explanation.

Albert Einstein called Meitner “our Marie Curie." She also adamantly refused to work on the atomic bomb during WWII. #women #history #science #energy

Jules boosted

When I was a kid, the calendars said Boxing Day (CAN, AUS, UK) for December 26th.

I really thought Canadians, Australians, and Brits absolutely beat the shit out of each other the day after Christmas every year. For fun. Or it wouldn’t be a holiday.

I was TERRFIED of them.

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

I gave a glib answer when my daughter asked what I wanted for #Christmas . I now have world peas.

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