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Jules boosted

one of my favorite things on social media is when people nerd the heck out about hobbies I don't know anything about.

I have a friend on instagram who's super into Breyer horses and like, I know fuck-all about either real horses or plastic ones but she does these explainers about the hobby that are always a delight to read

Post about your hobbies. It's okay to take up space. Delight somebody with details.

Jules boosted

“Booty call” and “butt dial” has been offered up as an example of where the literal meaning of two phrases is the same but the implied meaning is very different (denotative vs connotative meanings).

Today a coffee mug gave me another example: “dad bod” and “father figure”

#linguistics #wordplay

Jules boosted

My first reaction to this is that it's about 30 years too late. But right now I'm just glad that at least someone has turned up to the party, even if it's later than ideal.

Building energy efficiency is something we really need to look into as we try to cut emissions here in the west. It's up there with reducing private car ownership for impact on emissions reductions. Imagine being able to live in a home that is warm, comfortable, and can be heated for next to nothing. Welldone Scotland.

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Jules boosted

I don't think this is getting the coverage it needs. Scottish government to require passivhaus standard for all new build homes. This is big. Really big. Growing out of lessons from the 70's oil crisis. Passivhaus buildings use very little energy to heat, or to cool. We've known how to do this for decades. It's gross negligence from all western governments that the same is not true of all new builds in the developed world.

Jules boosted

Some #BoxingDay vagina slang including the word "box"...
▼Tinderbox (17th century)
▼Icebox (1930s)
▼Moneybox (late 19th century)
▼Generation box (early 19th century)
▼Jellybox (1950s)
▼Snatch-box (mid 19th century)
▼Spunk box (early 18th century)

Jules boosted

“You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?”
– Terry Pratchett

@XanIndigo is it the one about being where the falling angel meets the rising ape, and how we need imagination so that concepts like justice can become? Because that one honestly blew my mind

Jules boosted

if anyone in Tucson Arizona knows a store that would be open on Christmas Day who would sell us potatoes, you would Save Hanukkah, please advise

Jules boosted

Every year at Christmas now I think about Christmas 8 years ago when I nearly died with my wife, child and in-laws.

I share this every year over on the Bird Site and will share it here now.

It was Christmas Eve. 9 year old was just 1. We were staying at my in-laws who had an acreage just outside Red Deer at the time. We went to bed a bit late but the night was good. 1 year old wasn’t up too much.

@Pjobphd ah, the good old Maillard reaction. Why is everything delicious (probably) bad for you

@OtherRyn what's the non-UK way of roasting potatoes?

Jules boosted

@afewbugs If you are referring to roast potatoes the way the UK does it (boiling, roughing up the potato, and then quick in hot oil and then oven), I think it's because the boiling process releases more starch from the potato while double frying keeps more starch in is part of it.

Is there a materials chemist on here who can explain to my why chips/fries and roast potatoes are both made by the application of heat to potatoes and oil but have such different tastes and textures (and why chips are nice, but roast potatoes are amazing?)

Jules boosted

I am genuinely fucking wondering what exactly Rishi Sunak thinks being homeless consists of.

Jules boosted

@futurebird @sarahtaber You know, only now I just realized how much BS is business dress code. You need to throw away an entire piece of clothes because a mended one would look bad on you and would negatively affect your chances of getting a future promotion.

For being poor or environmentally friendly! That is SO fucked up.

Whatever happened with mended and patched clothes? We need to bring them back and we need to normalize using them.

Thanks for sharing this piece of wisdom.

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

Merry Christmas friends! 🎄
Wishing you all peace, joy and p0wnage of your adversaries! 👨🏾‍💻

Jules boosted

RT @EndFuelPoverty
Utility warrants are granted "under an obscure court process lacking in scrutiny" and enable #energy firms to force their way into your home to fit a pre-payment meter.

It's barbaric and must stop. #BanForcedPPMs.

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