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@ClaireCopperman honestly I'd be surprised if Twitter lasts into December the way things are going, so I don't think it'll be an issue either way fro very long

Jules boosted

Have you heard of #Netflix's new series #AncientApocalypse and the outrage from the #archaeology community?

This week, on The Familiar Strange, I take on the pseudoscience of #Atlantis conspiracy theories by investigating their origins in Victorian race theories. Check it out⬇️

@researchfairy You scan further down the card "If you would like to record a short message for your family or loved ones, should they survive, please speak after the tone"

Jules boosted

I have seen a few people touting #AncientApocalypse today, please don't. It is absolute nonsense!

It is made by a total grifter who should never have been given a soapbox. It's in the same rubbish category as #AncientAliens -- pure and utter rubbish.

It is an insult to all the amazing #archeologists out there and all the amazing work they do with #historians

Graham Hancock is an absolute scammer!

@kbalmer that's fascinating, I've seen a lot of confused spring plants coming out (primroses, violets, dogwood flowers) but it hadn't occured to me that this mild autumn would be having the same effect. What effect do you think this will have on numbers, what proportion do you think are emerging? Will they have time to pupate before it gets cold do you think?

It's reached the point where I think "images are loading very slowly at the moment, I wonder what Elon's done now?"

Jules boosted

Seeing some posts talking about fediblocking turning Mastodon into a "filter bubble." No. We absolutely do not need abusive or fascist views to have a high level of intellectual diversity. Full stop. That hate can fester somewhere else.

After 20 years of social media, the experiment has been run. Hateful people are unconvinced by rational argument, so there's no point engaging with them.

This is a rotten, disingenuous, meritless argument, from A to Z.

Fascism is to be defeated, not debated.

Jules boosted

What's missing from these pictures?

No on-street parking makes all the difference in the cities of #Japan. The 1962 "proof-of-parking" law means you buy a car, you've got to show you've got a place—off public streets—to warehouse it.

Jules boosted

“If we all rode bikes like the Dutch, annual global emissions would drop nearly 700 million tonnes. This mammoth figure exceeds the entire carbon footprint of most countries, including the UK, Canada, Saudi Arabia & Australia.” Via @euronews
#ClimateCrisis #climateEmergency #ClimateChange #bikes #cities #Dutch #bikelanes #transportation

Jules boosted

Just behind me and across the room is an even better story with no special lighting needed.

The broken window here has allowed nature to encroach. This is by far my favorite type of subject to photograph. Nature reclaiming her territory.

A wonderful reminder that it is us that will lose if we do not take care of this planet. The Earth will march on whether we choose to allow it to be sustainable to humans or not. It will have no mercy.

#abandoned #story #explore #photography

Jules boosted

Prompt 3: Stars

By far the cutest Hungarian origin story involving stars is from the Lake Balaton area:

They say a hedgehog wandered across the sky, accidentally poking holes in it, and that's how the Milky Way came to be.

🦔 🌟 🌟 🌟

#FolkloreWeek #FolkloreWeek2022 #folklore #folktales #hedgehog #stars

Jules boosted

There's lots of great things about cycling as a #disabled person. For me: freedom, reduced pain physical activity & car-free independence.

But there are also lots of barriers.

One that I often face on cycle infrastructure is the beg button being close to the road. This means I either have to sacrifice Frida & the bucket to traffic or park further back & dismount. And not all disabled cyclists can dismount easily.

#CyclingDisabled #ActiveTravel #CargoBike #CargoTrike #ClimateaChange

Jules boosted

Them: Faving posts on Mastodon is useless, only the OP sees it.

Me, when a post gets faved: awwww, little internet hug ✨

Jules boosted

a sourdough starter is just an artisanal tamagotchi for millennials

Jules boosted

Not all ant-butterfly associations are mutually beneficial. In the case of the Large Blue (Phengaris arion), this relationship has developed a sinister twist!

Large Blue caterpillars are adopted by red ants and carried back to the ants' nest. Once inside, however, the caterpillar turns parasite on its hosts and starts devouring ant larvae! 😱 Much like a Cuckoo, it fools the ants into thinking it is one of their own young, mimicking both their chemical scent and the calls made by a queen ant.

@Objectpermanence a lot of apps don't let you, you have to login via your browser to do it

Jules boosted

"Like many forms of pseudo archaeology, these claims act to reinforce white supremacist ideas, stripping Indigenous people of their rich heritage and instead giving credit to aliens or white people"

Jules boosted

Me: So you have to somehow pick a server?
Me:Then choose some software application to use it?
Me: Will I be able to contact people on other servers?
Me: How do I find them? And how do they find me?
Not quite sure.
Me: Will I lose everything if they stop supporting the server?
Errrr...probably not?

Me: Sorry, but this electronic mail thing is never gonna work.

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