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Adil Arif boosted

"The wrong Amazon is burning"
Sticker spotted in Anchorage, Alaska

Adil Arif boosted
Adil Arif boosted

"Wayland and are both part of freedesktop. Whatever maintenance is still happening on is mostly being done by people who primarily work on Wayland. There isn't some kind of holy war going on between The Wayland Developers who want to kill, and The Developers who believe it is great and want to keep it. They're nearly all the same people, and they all want to die."

— Adam Williamson

Adil Arif boosted

Last Friday, I attended the OpenJDK Committers' Workshop ( and I liked it. So many smart developers talking about how to make OpenJDK even better. Without knowing, it would be hard to guess who works for what company. Very different from meetings where company product marketing is always present. I love the passion the OpenJDK devs put in their work. Probably one of the reasons why Java is still so great. Cut the crap/hype and make things better.

Adil Arif boosted
Adil Arif boosted
Adil Arif boosted

If you have one of the 240,000,000 PCs destined to be e-waste¹ by the superficial requirements for Windows 11, give Endless OS a try!

Endless OS is the free, user-friendly PC OS packed with educational tools, games, self-guided learning resources, and more—and it all works offline.

It has a growing ecosystem of thousands of indie and big-name apps thanks to Flathub²



#EndlessOS #eWaste #ReduceReuseRepairRecycle #Linux

Adil Arif boosted

Learning to say no is important.

Do more by doing less.

Adil Arif boosted
Adil Arif boosted

A very long-term Flathub initiative @razze and I have been working on is finally starting to ship! As of today, developers can log into Flathub and see the metadata quality ratings for their apps.

Soon we'll start rolling out curated banners for the home page, as the first part of actual app curation on Flathub! Exciting times ✨️

Adil Arif boosted
Adil Arif boosted

Year progress: ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100.0%

Adil Arif boosted
Adil Arif boosted

My personal vision with all of this is to see #wayland desktop technologies not only catching up with what other OSs offer, but becoming leading players - just like what other FLOSS projects already archived (or are in the process of becoming) in their areas. I'm thinking of #mesa, #pipewire, #gstreamer, #systemd, the kernel of course, and many others.

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Adil Arif boosted

Here is my latest blog post outlining some of the work we did leading up to Fedora Workstation 39, but also covering some future developments! Hope you enjoy.

#linux #fedora #pipewire #toolbx #desktop

Adil Arif boosted

This weekend, you can upgrade your laptop, desktop, or server with #Fedora #Linux with incredible discounts of 100% off the normally free sticker price! Quick, snag your discount and download it today for you and a loved one!

Adil Arif boosted

@rmader Ah, nevermind, not merged quite yet. Just that various people approved of the MR. I seemed to have gotten too excited at the approvals.

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@rmader I just saw the 10bpc format just got merged! Thank you, Michel Dänzer and everyone else who help make it happen!!!

I recently got a Alienware AW3423DWF and this MR should improve the look (especially for gradients) of images. You all rock!

Adil Arif boosted

Most plastic goes into landfills — or worse, into the environment. One big reason for these dismal numbers: Plastics are actually quite hard to recycle.

♻️ Solving the growing plastics waste puzzle:


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