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Adam boosted

Automattic is one of the most important companies on the Internet.

They make Tumblr, WooCommerce, Amismet, LongReads, WordPress—among others.

WordPress alone powers ~44% of the world's websites.

More interesting: despite being such a large, dominant company, few people hate Automattic.

Why is this? 🧵

Adam boosted
Adam boosted

Here's a neat #Mastodon trick I just discovered:

You can access an RSS feed of any user's posts simply by adding .rss onto the end of their profile URL — so, for instance:

You can then use that link to follow all of that person's posts in Feedly, Feedbin, or any other RSS reading service.

Heck, you can even do it directly in #Chrome, if you want!

Adam boosted

@darius In addition to the concept being a hack the admin of #fedified seems to lack appreciation for data privacy law, especially in the EU. The "ask forgiveness after instead of permission before" attitude to privacy and consent I have seen so far raises red flags for me. I also dislike the use of CloudFlare services in hosting this directory of information.

I would suggest to recent Twitter migrants to avoid participation in fedifed in any capacity. There are better ways to find and verify people than this...thing.

Adam boosted

Haha ex-Twitter employees have created their own Mastodon instance 😅

"This server is intended for current and previous twitter employees and their friends/family. We filter signups to try keep the server focused for community reasons." -

Welcome to the Fediverse! :)


Adam boosted

Hey journalists! Mastodon is not a “platform”. Platforms were invented in the wake of the last financial crisis to consolidate power among specific companies by mining people of of their personal data for profit online. Mastodon does not consolidate, only connects. It does not amplify algorithmically, or mine people. Any “learning curve” should include reflection on why you ever accepted “services” aimed at data extraction as “natural” or even “social” to begin with. #twittermigration

Adam boosted

The should carefully review the contract it has with Elon. If he's able to badly harm Twitter without any need in less than 3 weeks, who knows what he's doing with SpaceX rockets, just because "he can". Here it costs followers, in space it costs human life.


They turned off the service that sends the 2-factor authentication code. 🙈


Adam boosted

Now the way the Internet Archive is doing mastodon is how more organisations and celebs should be joining the fediverse!

They have a dedicated in house instance, which lets you identify official staff, and gives them control and security over their content, whilst also allowing people and instances to opt in or out of interacting with them

Kudos for doing it right @internetarchive!

Adam boosted

Context: Dutch government commits to running their own government mastodon service.

Big, because two things: other govts are doing the same. And govts find that they can truly own and fully control their social media channels. Governments love controlling stuff.

Adam boosted

actually Frankenstein is the name of the admin. the server is Frankenstein's instance

#instance #server #frankenstein

Adam boosted

The reason Mastodon names are like email addresses is because email addresses "won" over a lot of other options that I won't mention here because most people have never heard of them.

Why did email addresses win? Because they match how we think of community, at a deep cognitive and arguably biological level.

Need evidence? "Jesus of Nazareth" is basically an email address and, now, a Mastodon account name.

@t3kk Haha! Another instance change! :) Finding one you like?

Adam boosted

How I'm beginning to feel about Twitter and Meta:

“You know, when I was a girl, the idea that the British Empire could ever end was absolutely inconceivable. And it just disappeared, like all the other empires.” — Doris Lessing

Adam boosted

Please don't use #Fedified! 🙏

This is what it says about itself:

"(Fedified) is *the* way to make sure that you're following the account managed by the same person you used to follow on Twitter."

It wants to be a central authority. This is dangerous, and opposite to what the Fediverse stands for.

People become dependent on a central authority, then it gets bought out by billionaires.

You can already verify your account on here without using any centralised lists:

Adam boosted

"Mastodon saw about 322,000 new downloads from US app stores in the 12 days following the Twitter acquisition (October 27 to November 7), a 100-fold increase.... Globally, the app grew 657% to reach 1 million installs in the same period from October 27 to November 7, up from 15,000 in the previous 12 days.

Other third-party Mastodon clients, MetaText and Doodle, both grew from less than 1,000 installs to 19,000 and 7,000 respectively between the two periods."

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