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Adam boosted

If you’re really worried about an mRNA vaccine versus the virus, you should stop right now

The virus has much more mRNA, uses it harmfully, and puts it all over your organs

Really cool seeing a little presentation from James Cameron, Sigourney Weaver, Sam Worthington, and Stephen Lang after watching Avatar 2 at Lincoln Square.

After seeing Avatar 2 again last night, I heard a guy in the lobby yell, "Papyrus!!!" Which is a reference to the below video. James Cameron had seen that SNL skit and decided to double down on the Papyrus font, so everything in the movie was Papyrus! Hilarious!!

Adam boosted

Oh hell yeah. @mozilla is launching a Mastodon instance in early 2023! I’m very excited for this. Mozilla is really good at what they do. Firefox has over 200M monthly active users, and with any luck they’ll build better support for the fediverse into Firefox itself. Mastodon will greatly benefit from easy to use professionally run instances that can handle massive scaling

Adam boosted

So I understand that the bird site has started blocking links to common/known Mastodon instances, and that doesn't seem like free speech to me. So... I did a thing.

If you go to it is now a URL shortener that blocks the twitter user agent. That means you can share that link that will redirect to your Mastodon account without the pouty baby stopping you. If you find this helpful can you boost so others can find it? #TwitterMigration #Mastodon #Musk #introduction

Adam boosted

If you want to link your #Mastodon account on #Twitter, you can use a URL shortener to bypass the filter that #SpaceKaren put in place. I can highly recommend this one:

The reason we call them hamburger buttons is as an insult to the designer’s inability to clearly communicate the function of the interactive element.

Adam boosted

I made an archive of all 60,000+ of my tweets to put on my own website using Tweetback and @eleventy. Since this is a pretty useful thing to be able to do, I wanted to write up how I did it in detail; it's still a bit of a technical process, but hopefully a step-by-step guide will help more people be able to do it.

Adam boosted
Adam boosted
One person guessed that Elon Musk is doing stupid policy changes to get people to rage-engage with the Birdsite, and that he'll revert the policy later to get more rage-engagement.
... you're right. He deleted the no-Mastodon-links-allowed post, so I immediately log in to the Birdsite to rage-post
Adam boosted

This person is using a Gmail address and has no website. Why would we hire a web developer that doesn't know how to buy a domain?

Adam boosted
Adam boosted

Twitter is now blocking links to pixelfed!

"First they ignore you,
then they laugh at you,
then they fight you,
then you win"


Adam boosted

I’m seeing tons of awesome stuff that’s outside of my usual security firehose on other sites

I feel like AI art generation models should be required to cite their sources. The models are trained on others' work; so who's work is used for each composition?

So.. I need to learn to not click any of the Trending keywords on the anymore. A lot of them are filled with porn now. Yikes!

Adam boosted
Adam boosted

This strip came out in 1995. I’m afraid of what Calvin’s dad would have to say about technology in 2022. 😬🫠 #CalvinandHobbes

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