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Adam boosted

6,904,906 accounts
+9,571 in the last hour
+51,991 in the last day
+412,473 in the last week

@xboxp3 You should have made a instance.

Adam boosted

@atomicpoet That is very true. Mastodon is gaining popularity throughout Asia & Africa inside many “closed” nations & it might be far larger than what we expected.

I would not be surprised if there are 50 million accounts due to people using Mastodon in China 🇨🇳, Iran 🇮🇷, Afghanistan 🇦🇫, Myanmar 🇲🇲, Sudan 🇸🇸, Mali 🇲🇱, Burkina Faso 🇧🇫, etcetera, anonymously (also potentially defederated) to avoid the watchful eyes of their restrictive governments.

Adam boosted

Social networking should be owned by society and that's what the Fediverse is!

Adam boosted

Just noticed that there's a petition for UK Parliament to get its own Mastodon server. I wonder what the HoC Library/PDS folks think of that.

Star Wars Andor spoilers 

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Adam boosted

English translation from #Aurebesh for those that were wondering what was on Cassian Andor's/Keith Seymour's Imperial sentencing slip from Episode 8 of #StarWars #Andor: (from to to bottom)




Adam boosted

People ask, "What can other Fediverse apps do that Mastodon can not?"

A lot!

Here's an example. Let's look at some screenshots of Pixelfed:

1. Photo filters
2. Aspect ratio cropping
3. Options to select your creative license
4. Geo-location tagging

I'd show you more but Mastodon only lets me upload 4 photos to a post while Pixelfed allows for more 😉

Adam boosted

Here's why I think the fediverse is important for the climate emergency.

First, because disinformation thrives on big social networks. The fediverse seems more responsive to bad ideas spreading.

Second, because federation is more friendly to cross-border collaboration. Nation-states are very suspicious of media headquartered in a superpower like the US or China, but will probably be more relaxed about federated systems.

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A good list of things Elon Musk says that will probably never be true.

Adam boosted

Automattic is one of the most important companies on the Internet.

They make Tumblr, WooCommerce, Amismet, LongReads, WordPress—among others.

WordPress alone powers ~44% of the world's websites.

More interesting: despite being such a large, dominant company, few people hate Automattic.

Why is this? 🧵

Adam boosted
Adam boosted

Here's a neat #Mastodon trick I just discovered:

You can access an RSS feed of any user's posts simply by adding .rss onto the end of their profile URL — so, for instance:

You can then use that link to follow all of that person's posts in Feedly, Feedbin, or any other RSS reading service.

Heck, you can even do it directly in #Chrome, if you want!

Adam boosted

@darius In addition to the concept being a hack the admin of #fedified seems to lack appreciation for data privacy law, especially in the EU. The "ask forgiveness after instead of permission before" attitude to privacy and consent I have seen so far raises red flags for me. I also dislike the use of CloudFlare services in hosting this directory of information.

I would suggest to recent Twitter migrants to avoid participation in fedifed in any capacity. There are better ways to find and verify people than this...thing.

Adam boosted

Haha ex-Twitter employees have created their own Mastodon instance 😅

"This server is intended for current and previous twitter employees and their friends/family. We filter signups to try keep the server focused for community reasons." -

Welcome to the Fediverse! :)


Adam boosted

Hey journalists! Mastodon is not a “platform”. Platforms were invented in the wake of the last financial crisis to consolidate power among specific companies by mining people of of their personal data for profit online. Mastodon does not consolidate, only connects. It does not amplify algorithmically, or mine people. Any “learning curve” should include reflection on why you ever accepted “services” aimed at data extraction as “natural” or even “social” to begin with. #twittermigration

Adam boosted

The should carefully review the contract it has with Elon. If he's able to badly harm Twitter without any need in less than 3 weeks, who knows what he's doing with SpaceX rockets, just because "he can". Here it costs followers, in space it costs human life.


They turned off the service that sends the 2-factor authentication code. 🙈


Adam boosted

Now the way the Internet Archive is doing mastodon is how more organisations and celebs should be joining the fediverse!

They have a dedicated in house instance, which lets you identify official staff, and gives them control and security over their content, whilst also allowing people and instances to opt in or out of interacting with them

Kudos for doing it right @internetarchive!

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