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Better than WhatsApp: Try these Free Software Apps and Services โ€” Free Software Foundation India

You can find me as on #Matrix ๐Ÿ˜Š

#whatsapp #communication #privacy #decentralisation

@jaywink Email should probably be in the list of federated services there. It's been an "instant" messaging service for a while and has about 4 billion users.

@kura @p I was thinking a multi-user public hosting instance. I've seen hosting for other types of fediverse instances, but haven't seen Pixelfed yet and I think that's the one I might like.

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@p Do you know anyplace that hosts Pixelfed instances?

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@Qato I like spam musubi, but I don't know about this.

Let me try posting a video. Here are some of my clips of the Samsung Galaxy S21 series.

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This is a good open-source app for seeing and blocking all the things an Android phone is connecting to.

@grin @Doudouosm I think only 3 of those are decentralized, no? The Fediverse ones.

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Only 22% of adults use Twitter. In contrast almost every house has a TV. The idea that there is some monopoly over access to the public here is really not compelling. Maybe you spend too much time on Twitter if you think that.


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If someone says or does something hurtful on the Fediverse, you can control who you interact with by using blocks and mutes.

โœ… On Mastodon, click "..." underneath a person's message to mute or block them. Muting means you won't see them any more but they will still see you. Blocking means you won't see them and they won't see you.

You can also use "Block Domain" which blocks everyone who is on the same instance as the person you are blocking.

#MastoTips #FediTips #Mastodon #Blocking #Muting

@purism On the other hand, tech diversity is pretty important too.

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100% foolproof way to get your bug fixed on ANY open source project 

@Miniver Yikes! What a slow and awful design. I'm glad I skipped that phase and started making responsive mobile sites 20 years ago.

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