Last night, the website of Reykjavík #Hackerspace, Hakkavélin, got flagged by Google's "Safe Browsing" as "deceptive:
Thanks to fedi friends reporting this block as incorrect, the site is unblocked.
But our #Yunohost login page is still blocked:
We would really appreciate help with reporting this also as incorrect. You can do this here, and it takes less than a minute:
Thank you! <3
@rysiek Would blocking Google & other search engines from crawling your admin log-in URLs mitigate that issue? Or put a file system password on it?
@rysiek Yes, of course. I was just trying to think of a way around it.
@adam fair.
Any such mitigation issue it potentially adds complexity and friction to the user experience. This is not my personal server (where I would just put it behind a WireGuard tunnel), but a set of services that are supposed to be useful for a bunch of people.