@atomicpoet Does Matrix really count as being part of the Fediverse? If yes, then so would email, right?
@adam I'm fine with email being part of the Fediverse, although it's of a different generation.
@atomicpoet It can do all the same things Matrix does though. My understanding of the Fediverse was that it was a network of public social networks. I would say Matrix is a messaging protocol. Oh well, it's not important.
@mike Yeah; choose person, type message, press send. It would be nice if the networks were connected to each other though.
@mike Seriously? Do you have 1000 messaging apps on your phones? :) I don't have time for that anymore! Haha
@mike Yes, because these networks are connected and that's how it should be. How do you send messages to TikTok or WeChat or WhatsApp or Instagram or Signal or Discord or Slack users from here though?
@mike Ah ha! So the transport network is relevant after all? :) Yes, I feel the same way. Federated open stuff is so much better.
@adam @adam @mike Not only the network: the database, and the CPUs needed to process all that, and so on. In general, capacity of the instance.