I successfully made my own server for @delta! Woo hoo! Only using 215Mb RAM on a VPS so far.

@esmail @delta No, sorry my wording was confusing. I made my own regular Dovecot/Postfix server for use with DeltaChat. Learning how to do it is what I was excited about. :)

@adam ooooooh, gotcha. and indeed postfix is "exciting" to setup

took me a week to figure it out 😂 and congrats 🎉

@esmail Haha! Yes, I'm having the "Wow, it works!" feeling today. :D

@esmail I'll have to learn mailcow another day. I tried yunohost.org, but that took up way too much server memory.

@adam mailcow uses docker and other containers so it will use a lot of memory too. your best bet is vanilla postfix.

mailcow is easy to use because it got services together tied up and ready to use, your webmail, caldav, even antivirus to scan attachments (but you can disable it to save memory)

@esmail Ah, thanks! Yeah, I'd need to use a better server for that probably.

@adam oh you need, mailcow is demanding. I'm lazy guy 😂

I use snikket instead of Prosody and mailcow instead of postfix. demanding but easy to setup

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