@rantipole Thanks.
How can I help you?
@rantipole Sybil lowers a pools potential, so in this, it is like a tax. Without Sybil, all pools would have the same desirability no matter how many pledges a pool received.
Did you see the post on Sybil?
@adaizen Yes I read that post it was helpful.
Is the only way to avoid Sybil tax to pledge 100%?
@rantipole Yes. Pledging 100% removes Sybil, at least that is how it looks to me.
I just updated the calculator to better reflect what is going on, Sybil Pool View highlights this.
@adaizen How much pledge is going to be needed to get into the top pools?
@rantipole I would say millions, pledging 10% or more.
The calculator has Pledge to Delegation Ratio to get you thinking along those lines.
@adaizen I noticed that, where does IOHK mention a pledge to delegation ratio?
@rantipole They don't. I added it because if Sybil, a0, is designed to prevent a person or persons form controlling the system, then only pools with a lot of pledge will get saturated.
@adaizen I'm not sure I understand Sybil, it seems that it is a tax of sorts. Am I right on this?