@jalcine It is impossible, because the very act of "watching", no matter if it's TV or big screen or otherwise, is copying. It's only practically possible in theaters because they own the screen, the projector and the seat.
@alcinnz * screams in non-free JavaScript" :)
Crazy idea: carbon capture systems need to move a lot of air around. Air conditioning and heating systems already move a lot of air around. Put carbon capture in the HVAC loop!
Librem 5 hardware update report for May 8th!
Including: Display drivers accepted upstream, Mesa, SMS, and compositor work.
@sean @hector @amsomniac @pox @kaniini @lanodan @jeff @brainblasted press is press, just pay them more than the other side and they'll shut up.
@techbolt Just call it doomsday, You know, flooding, food shortage, mass extinction.
@polychrome It's the industry looking at the leading guys to learn how hard they can **** their customers without spending the money to market research.
@cwebber the embrace phase is over