@PrivacyBear @robjloranger@mastodon.technology @switchingsocial@mastodon.at tor browser is out of beta! I uses that as default, but I do have fennec as fallback (oauth) tho I rarely have to use that.

@strypey that's not the same, there's plenty good to moderate(manual blocking) websites that doesn't abuse JavaScript.

@velartrill @xmanmonk remember when android added "permissions", and evil developers just make the apps quit to force "consent"? you have to be able to kick miss behaving apps off of the www and the developer in jail for rape to make something like "ask for permission" work, and that's not a good idea btw.

@velartrill @xmanmonk
> in doc mode [...] absolutely no javascript
yes, many browser doesn't have any JavaScript capabilities what so ever, some offers the ability to disable scripts.
> Reader Mode, changing fonts, alternate stylesheets
all of these are already a thing, you just need to look into Firefox 's setting, or visit a 2000s forum.
> when you'd load an App Mode [...] and the app is terminated [...]
yes I does this and "apps" just simply refuse to work

@alcinnz consider a location granularity option? something like accurate to country / big city near me.

@velartrill @xmanmonk there already is this two mode for the web, but evil devs just use "app mode" for everything. What people need to do is stop visiting shitty websites, use something like tor browser as default so the shittyness of a website is apparent.

@bugaevc@mastodon.technology actually, change "cat" to "/bin/cat" or it will recursive on it self.

Here it is
(cat $* 2>/dev/null) ||
cat <<EOF

aa boosted

@Wolf480pl@niu.moe "open source" developers far out weights free software developers, including blobs in Linux kernel no longer makes the crowd angry, and companies stumps GPL with money. The software might be widely adapted, but the ideals struggle.

@jirka@mastodon.sdf.org @niconiconi could have just move to tor/freenet

aa boosted

YOU: so the A in RAID stands for "Array"?
US: Yes.
YOU: doesn't that mean saying "RAID array" is redundant?
US: Of course. That's what the R is for.

@wilfredh wait until someone leaks keys with it.

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A worker’s coop is usually a mesh fenced area where you can scatter some corn out for workers to eat

A chicken co-op is a structure that allows the chickens to democratically govern their own egg production and profits thereof.

from: twitter.com/zylogram/status/11

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“On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.”

~ 25 years later ~

On the Internet ... we know the breed, age, location, estimated education, current sentiment, and which chew toys to pitch.

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