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To this extent I'm really interested to know how the age breakdown of people on the . On one hand it would seem to make sense to me that most people here remember the "old internet" before the centralization and they're here to rekindle that flame of independence. On the other hand the youths are generally pretty up on this whole technology thing. I grew up on the internet and since then smartphones have become even more ubiquitous.

(Please boost for reach)

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Apparently I never made an so with the massive influx of people what better time than now to make one! I'm a father, husband, and free software wonk. Proud to support @elementary and @purism by paying for software. I pay the bills as a software engineer. I actually studied and in college so my interests and feed definitely skew those directions. Former tech bootcamper (many moons ago).

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Ok Fediverse, one thing I absolutely love about the Birdsite is watching historians and other academics share their work in public to improve our understanding. I think I'm just gonna start cross posting some things I find interesting as I come across them. Maybe we can make a new hashtag? For now I'm gonna just reuse one from Birdsite that Dr. Karin Wulf created.

mcneely boosted

"You can't justify a bridge by the number of people swimming across a river."

mcneely boosted

Cities: “We are not Amsterdam! We can’t just change, push back car dominance and create liveable cities for people!"

Paris 🇫🇷: "Wait. Hold my wine 🍷🥖 !"

Video by

mcneely boosted

One of the other things we've been doing this year is trying to spot when something lands in all engines, and someone on the DevRel team will then write about it. We're collecting those posts here

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mcneely boosted

I really wish that people on Mastodon would stop responding to people who have critiques of fediverse features by telling them why the thing they don't want is GOOD and the thing they want is BAD

Y'all sound like Slashdot users defending emacs in 2001. Settle down, son

mcneely boosted

Y'all are chasing working artists away from this place by harping on how "sad" and "pathetic" it is for them to hope for a large follower count here.

It's not about attention. It's about their bottom line. More followers means more commissions, more customers in their online shops, more direct exposure to people with hiring power. It's honestly really cruel to keep acting like they want adulation when really they just want to pay rent.

They have ample reason to mourn what they built.

mcneely boosted

Every lawyer, judge & justice should READ this piece by @dahlialithwick sharing the searing words of Judge Robert Wilkins (D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals) at his portrait unveiling. The truths he reveals about his family’s history are the ultimate answer to a SCOTUS jurisprudence that attempts to fix our rights within the confines of the “founders’” vision or 19th century “custom & traditions.”

mcneely boosted
mcneely boosted

We want more folks to join us here at We ask for a real name on the account (doesn't have to be in the handle) and a reason for joining this server rather than others. Without both, we reject. Revise and resubmit if you think we're in error!

mcneely boosted

twitter users stone age
in 2022 hunter-gatherers
should we follow
that mastodon??

mcneely boosted

if you are at all able (or able to learn), i highly recommend:
• creating your own website
• on your own domain
• acquiring copies of your data that you care about that's on third party sites (particularly this one)

mcneely boosted

It's fascinating how completely Elon Musk has stepped into Trump's old role on Twitter. It's not just that he's the most referenced and discussed character, but that he is held up as the paragon of power, cleverness, and manhood by his rather dim fans, while being university made fun of as thin-skinned, impulsive, and rather dim himself by everyone else, all while he seems entirely lacking in self-awareness or, really, dignity. He's basically Trump's social media twin.

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mcneely boosted

Hello friends, a reminder that historians dot social is for folks working all over in all kinds of positions who think about historical contexts! We're aiming for a robustly inclusive community here. Pls read and share the terms of service which is a core feature of any 🐘 server/ instance! And look for the weekly transparency post fr @jmadelman @lizcovart and me about how things are going!

mcneely boosted

I keep seeing that “first they came for the journalists” sign, and it pisses me off so much, because when they came for muslims, immigrants, and trans people, mainstream journalists normalized it and reported it as “both sides”. Somehow it didn’t count for them until it was happening to them personally, which is *exactly* what the fucking poem was warning against in the first place.

mcneely boosted

John Mastodon is just a figurehead; the real work was done by Ernestine Toot. he’s recently been trying but failing to erase her legacy.

mcneely boosted

What kind of Mastodon discovery tools are available? Off the top of my head, things that would be nice:

"Who are these people?" - Show me a few posts (not boosts) from each of my most recent followers.

"Actual social network" - Show me posts from the people followed by people I follow, and who the link is. LJ called this "friendsfriends" and it was cool.

"Trending" - posts boosted by people 2 or 3 hops away from me, ordered by number of boosts, and omitting ones I've seen.

mcneely boosted

No but seriously what someone ask Eugen to weigh about all this...

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Apparently Mastodon can have a main character who doesn't get banned across instances for being a jerk, so long as that main character is the founder

mcneely boosted

Tired: Tech writers dumping on Mastodon without having ever used it

Wired: Political writers inventing a founder for Mastodon because they can’t read #JohnMastodon

mcneely boosted

@jeffjarvis there are a lot of ethical obligations newsrooms *should* see but don't, I'd put the fediverse pretty low down on that list tbh.

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