I do my best to add image descriptions, this time I did it in my mind, but I was participating in another thread and I forgot to actually type it in 😹
By the time I realized that, several people already liked it and I decided not to delete and redraft. Anyway, this would be something like: "Lynx point Mekong bobtail cat lying on a similarly colored pillow with his front paws tucked under his body"
@annika No, this instance uses Smilodon, heavily modified Masto 3.1.1 — it doesn't even have DMs.
Masto itself didn't support editing at that point AFAIK.
I have my own instance that I use e.g. to make longer posts, but it runs on an old PowerPC G4 MacMini with only a gigabyte of RAM, very weak hardware. I'm afraid to post cats from it — cats are popular and I think that the poor box might just explode and set my place on fire because of sudden influx of visitors 😂