10 March 1934 | A Dutch Jewish girl, Carla Bromet, was born in The Hague.
On 26 February 1944 she was deported from Westerbork to the Theresienstadt ghetto. She arrived at #Auschwitz on 6 October 1944 in a transport of 1,500 Jews. She was murdered in a gas chamber.
#FollowerPower #Fedipower Looking for a new phone. Any Recommendations?
Hardware Requirements:
High Durability
Easily Repairable
5G Capable
Quite good Camera
Long battery life
Dual Sim (Soft Requirement)
Fair Production (Soft Requirement)
Software Requirements
Usable as daily driver
Linux-Based (including Android)
The more FOSS the better
#DSGVOWirkt Bei #DSGVO-Anfragen kann es manchmal echt lange, gar zu lange, dauern, bis was passiert, insbesondere wenn die Anfrage ins Nicht-EU-Ausland geht. Droht man aber auch nur mit einer Beschwerde bei der Aufsichtsbehörde, dann kann man in gewissen Fällen ins Stocken geratene Dinge durchaus beschleunigen.
In diesem Fall geht der Dank an @bfdi, dafür, dass ihr mir gesagt habt, wo die Beschwerde hin soll und an @BayLfD einfach nur fürs Bereitstehen. Ich wünsche einen schönen Advent!
#FediFrage #GDPR Bei wem kann ich mich beschweren, wenn eine nicht-EU-Seite (die aber EU-Bürger addressiert) mit meinen Daten Humbug betreibt? @dsk @bfdi @noybeu
If you don't know what to do to make the world a better place this morning, consider a donation to the UNRWA, which provides healthcare, food and emergency services to Palestinian people in Gaza.
Horrified and heartbroken at the barrage of attacks by Hamas upon civilians in Israel. Innocent people suffer the consequences of violent extremism, and this kind of terrorism only produces deeper, more intractable problems. My thoughts and hopes are for peace, and for democracy for all people in the region, but such a future is proving ever more elusive, I fear.
Merkwürdige Weltenpaare im Orionnebel entdeckt https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000189745/merkwuerdige-weltenpaare-im-orionnebel-entdeckt?ref=mastodon
Mastodon pilot has a chance to win open source award
At the beginning of this year, SURF and its members started the pilot project social.edu.nl. There is a growing need for a social community platform of and for the whole of Dutch education and research. At the same time, we want this platform to be based on the public values we ourselves advocate.
A battle in the fight against #Chatcontrol has been lost yesterday: The #UK #OnlineSafetyBill has been passed by the Parliament. However, #Chatcontrol is suspended until there is a method that works sufficiently well.
HEY Infosec Mastodon! Wanna help me out?
I'm looking for screenshotable quotes about pentesting. Wanna respond to any of these questions? If you do you may be included in my next talk!
What's the biggest pitfall a pentester can make?
What makes a good pentest?
What makes a bad test?
Vuln scan versus pentest - which one is "better"?
Or just whatever you want. I will include any memes I get, so reply away.
Boosts help :)
Computer Science Student at @uniinsbruck@wisscom.social
I have #ADD.