#FDroid is consistently growing in its bandwidth usage over the years, as shown by this stats graph from the #UniFAU mirror. Interesting to see the short downward section when we added new official mirrors in April and November.
Thanks @FAU for the mirror, the bandwidth, and the stats! https://ftp.fau.de/cgi-bin/show-ftp-stats.cgi
Countries by percentage total bandwidth usage in 2023:
44.88% Germany
11.30% China
9.52% United States
3.25% Italy
2.33% United Kingdom
2.04% Russia
1.96% Estonia
1.88% Austria
1.85% France
1.59% Canada
1.50% Switzerland
1.40% Netherlands
1.25% Poland
@eighthave @FAU Nice! We also publish some stats for the mirrors hosted by tetaneutral.net, in French here: https://lists.tetaneutral.net/pipermail/technique/2023-October/004537.html
I can confirm the regular growth for F-Droid :)
@zorun @FAU thanks for running your #mirror too! I hadn't seen your stats posts before, that's interesting to see. The current algorithm for choosing mirrors is random, so I wonder why ftp.fau.de sees 8TB/day while tetaneutral sees 1.4TB/day? I guess ftp.fau.de's stats might also include rsync, and many mirrors rsync from ftp.fau.de. This might also explain the steeper decline in November: a couple mirrors switched away from ftp.fau.de to rsyncing from primary mirrors.
@zorun @FAU https://mirror.level66.network/ is one of the new mirrors that was added in November, it also has some basic stats. As far as I can tell, there is only total numbers for the mirror. We're on track to more than double that mirror's bandwidth usage since /fdroid/ was added
@zorun @FAU After including https://mirror.level66.network/ as an official #FDroid mirror, bandwidth usage went from 35-40 Mbit/s to 80-85 Mbit/s
@eighthave @FAU I love FDroid.
So I messing around a bit more with stats data from the f-droid.org mirror hosted by @FAU in Germany:
* About 25% of the bandwidth of the mirror is for #FDroid
* Countries by percentage total bandwidth usage since /fdroid/ was added in 2019:
47.83% Germany
9.04% United States
5.13% China
3.68% Italy
2.69% France
2.55% United Kingdom
2.07% Russia
1.93% Switzerland
1.87% Estonia
1.82% Poland
1.70% Austria
1.40% Netherlands
1.38% Czechia
1.28% Canada