@nanoelquant I think this leaves out the part where started a 20 year war in , disasterous involvement in , and key NATO members invaded because they wanted its oil. Sure, joining NATO could stop from invading, but then you're contributing to invading other countries.

@eighthave kind reminder - for us, there is no "but". In order to have these funny idle talks about whether some war is bullshit or choice between militants and genocidal morons it is necessary to stay alive. For Ukraine and for other countries near russian border the question of NATO is the matter of existence, other things, if any, go later.

@nanoelquant Switzerland and Sweden have been neutral for centuries, they were not taken over by the Nazis or Soviets, unlike all of their neighbors. So saying military alliances will save a country from invasions is overlooking actual history. It is not that simple.


@nanoelquant Joining military alliances also means getting dragged into the wars of other countries. You can see that over the history of . Right now, it is plain to see how Putin is leaning on Belarus to join in the war of Ukraine, and tried with Kazakhstan too.

Consider does not seem to like NATO and could be the next US President theguardian.com/us-news/2023/a

NATO won't let Ukraine join until the war is settled. After that, its not clear Ukraine benefits. Neutrality might work better

@nanoelquant And Austria and Finland provide possible examples of how neutrality could work for Ukraine. Austria was neutral while Soviet tanks rolled into our neighbors Hungary and Czechoslovakia. They did not invade Austria, even though militarily, it would have been simple for the Soviets to take over Austria. They had done it before. I know at lot less about it, but 's situation during World War Two looks quite similar to Ukraine's now. Finland was neutral yet not invaded again.

@eighthave @nanoelquant where do you live? You really should learn some history before spouting off this kind of nonsense.

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