@ntnsndr newsletter or listserv/Google Groups?
Because my favorite cloud solutions are https://buttondown.email/ and http://tinyletter.com/
Self-hosted: https://mail-train.com/ and https://listmonk.app/
@ntnsndr @todrobbins How many of your readers are Apple users? The new "Mail Privacy Protection" feature will stop view tracking from working. https://support.apple.com/guide/iphone/use-mail-privacy-protection-iphf084865c7/ios Anyone else who has external content loading turned off won't appear in view tracking too.
@ntnsndr Oh, darn. I thought I had read that some email marketing systems were contributing lower read counts to the new privacy features. I had some similar issues with my newsletter, but I thought it was just some people not looking in their junk folder or something. (Emailing some separately and asking if they got it.) Hmm.
@adam @todrobbins Thanks for this! Yes, I have always used privacy protection myself via Thunderbird. But in this case we have evidence of subscribers just not getting the email at all. So the issue is more likely at the sending side than recipient screening.