@ntnsndr newsletter or listserv/Google Groups?
Because my favorite cloud solutions are https://buttondown.email/ and http://tinyletter.com/
Self-hosted: https://mail-train.com/ and https://listmonk.app/
@todrobbins I'm running listmonk on Cloudron. It is great except a mysterious decline in recipients:
@ntnsndr @todrobbins How many of your readers are Apple users? The new "Mail Privacy Protection" feature will stop view tracking from working. https://support.apple.com/guide/iphone/use-mail-privacy-protection-iphf084865c7/ios Anyone else who has external content loading turned off won't appear in view tracking too.
@ntnsndr Oh, darn. I thought I had read that some email marketing systems were contributing lower read counts to the new privacy features. I had some similar issues with my newsletter, but I thought it was just some people not looking in their junk folder or something. (Emailing some separately and asking if they got it.) Hmm.