Does anyone in the fediverse actually own a #Purism Liberty 🗽 phone? I’m curious… does the extra GB of RAM do much to improve the user experience? I’d love to get more RAM in my #Librem5 but that’s never going to happen so I want to hear from you!
@okennedy I hear you! Flatsweep is your friend.
@williamtries Purism support's been teasing a drop-in mobo replacement for the #Librem5 for several months now, so there might be a way... :)
I've been holding out for that, so I don't have one yet, but the bigger factor making me interested is the larger onboard flash. Especially with the shift to #Flatpak for GUI apps, I've been butting up against the 32GB limit hard. There is the SD card, but it's slow, and has other issues as well.