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Tools that work #Offline with #NoInternet

I have written about most of these on my blog, and my website, . Search there, or ask me here, for more.

What others would you recommend?


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Tools that work #Offline with #NoInternet

#Yggdrasil is a self-healing, fully end-to-end #encrypted #mesh network. It can work among local devices or on the global Internet. It has network services that can egress onto things like Tor, I2P, and public Internet. Makes a perfect companion to ad-hoc wifi as it has auto peer discovery on the local network. 4/

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brb gonna ask my great granddad how he traded a world war

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What if the real NTFs were the Pokemon cards sitting in a box under your bed this whole time

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Coinbase is partnered with the World Economic Forum.

You can’t make this shit up.

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Every day, cunts seem shocked to see Twitter delete another account for not being on the “correct” side of the political aisle. Maybe you people who keep using the site are the fucking problem?

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Just FYI @francispouliot_ is temp deactivating his twitter account

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It's nice to see this generation of Bitcoiners have their Wikileaks moment :)

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Suddenly more people opening their eyes to Mozilla's practices regarding Firefox.

GNU has been maintaing a fork of Firefox (Icecat) for ages now.

If you're capable help in the effort of maintaining Icecat and make it respect users freedom better.

#icecat #firefox #mozilla

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Belgian skeleton racer Kim Meylemans giving her account of the wonderful treatment she's currently receiving by the CCP.

I wonder how many more athletes have been taken prisoner?

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