Of COURSE they have
Twitter bans largest Ghislaine Maxwell trial tracker account, @TrackerTrial
The tech giant purges a major source of information on the high profile trial.
If the new German government coalition contract requires open-source software for public/government projects, then does that mean it requires the monetary system, which they require all citizens to use, to be open-source, or at least interoperable with open-source software and money?
The answer will obviously be "no", which is how you know what actually matters for central planning and control. Your public school's video conferencing app does not.
It's amazing how many awesome words there are, that I've never heard in my life.
psittacism: The mechanical repetition of previously received ideas or images, without true reasoning or feeling; repetition of words or phrases parrot-fashion; an instance of this.
Derives from psittacid "of or pertaining to parrots"
For at least 50 years all discourse on health and disease by layman and expert alike has devolved into a psittacistic circle jerk.
something very @SuricrasiaOnline : the "hash function crisis", where some academic comes out of nowhere breaking all commonly-used hash functions at once, even being able to find collisions *by hand* for one of them
this actually happened in 2005, where Wang broke MD2, MD4, MD5, RIPEMD, HAVAL, SHA-0, and a theoretical attack (which is now becoming practical) against SHA-1
Wang's paper was initially rejected for being completely incomprehensible, but then attended the related conference for that anyway, and gave a 10 minute unplanned talk where she demonstrated the attacks (including the by-hand collision finding for MD2)
what a strange, inverted world.
it used to be we bought expensive, underpowered hardware to be able to use this revolutionary thing called the macOS.
now, we get affordable, insanely world-leading hardware... and the worst part is the bullshit toy spyware known as the macOS. i donate money every month to a project that will get some crapware free software OS running on it simply because even that garbage will be better than what comes on it.