@mwoliver @anonymize @sibyl_ltd
To give you a sense of what we were dealing with, we burned through not one, but TWO, network providers in a few hours. Both Voxility and Vultr bailed on us, violating their service agreements in the process. You can assume that someone powerful told them the consequence of non-compliance.
We have restored services for all customers. DS is back online too. We continue to provide 8Ch with registrar and DNS services. However, playing cat and mouse on network supply chain is not sustainable when or core business is buying and selling domain names.
In the meantime, enjoy our free Anonymize VPN, our free BitMitigate service, along with Watchmask.com, Us.Tv, Armored.net and more to come. I doubt you will find many technology providers that are doing more to empower digital sovereignty. If so, please thank them. This ain't easy.
Thanks @a.
Crowd-sourced CDN with trusted content delivery nodes is exactly where I believe the world is going. It is like Proof of Stake token economies, but for DATA. I am sure someone is working on it already, and indeed IPFS is a very near approximation of it and is already operational for anyone who has not experimented with IPFS already.
Folks we should all be thanking @epik for hosting both 8chan and Gab at the DNS level. The costs for CDN are astounding, so Bitmitigate understandably needs some third-party partners on that front at the moment. I’m hopeful for a future where a decentralized CDN exists, one powered by nodes of people who volunteer bandwidth. But we are not there today. Focus on the big picture. This is one battle. We are at war. 8chan will get back online, just like Gab did. Give them some time.
Body Language - Peter Schiff Gold or Bitcoin
According to Cloudflare roughly 18% of HTTPS connections are currently being intercepted (man-in-the-middle):
For those who don't know, we forked Gitlab and will be adding the ability for developers to login with their Gab accounts shortly. Free speech web-based Git-repository manager for the win.
I am looking for a little HELP!
Need 125 more YouTube subscribers to turn on live streaming - https://youtube.com/cryptocousins
Thanks :)
Lightning Labs just released their app for iOS and Android!