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@waltercool i dont remember the context exactly but i remember reading abt F# being a special frequency. Will update when i remember. Something to do with resonance etc.

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Dear members, I plan on winding this instance down in the coming months as Nostr matures.

There will be plenty of warnings and time. But please look into Nostr and/or alternative instances.


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"The banker turned fraud who issues the first uncovered money title is in fact a “political entrepreneur.” He “tests the market” to discover how far he can go in violating property rights without encountering resistance." - Guido Hülsmann

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@Syberia good on you giving up sweets, that's a start!

@memes_1336 the ducks at the park are free, you can take them home!

@smartbrain i know its odysee, strange to see it banned in the uk i suppose a vpn would work anyway?

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Shared by my Daughter
"I need privacy, not because my actions are questionable, but because your judgement and intentions are"

In response to "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear"

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putting tape over my webcam, thinking about how some FBI agent watched me cry every day for a year and didn't check up on me once — cut toxic people out of your life in 2023

@stevenroose good luck getting le monde to understand how free markets work

@NunyaBidness @SirVo is this cobie the same guy who went by the handle cryptocobain ?

@smartbrain i was gonna post this is reply to you when you retooted that nk missile news but i cant post images for some reaso. 😂

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Web Of Trust time: DM me or reply to this message with your pubkey if you'd like me to set up an NIP-05 identifier for your nym in time for Nostr November

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