Candidly, I find it amusing that some Bitcoiners celebrate the lessons of lowering time preference, while simultaneously arguing against the prospect of addressing future implications of GHG emissions.
I'm imagining a future society, that is perplexed by the decision to place wagers on an experimental magic internet money, instead of the air we breathe 😅
(this comes off more combative than I intend, but really- it is funny)
@htimsxela low time pref will solve the climate problem (if it is indeed a problem) anyway. It’s a bit hard to destroy the amazon at the current pace if you’re not in a debt based economy.
See for starters.
@htimsxela you have a billion ppl in india who believe in re-incarnation. Probably a few more in other parts of the world The rest of the world has kids. Inter-generational time pref is the natural way under a sound economy :)