Nächste Woche wird es im Europäischen Datenschutzausschuss spannend: Abstimmung über die „Opinion“ des Ausschusses zu einigen grundsätzlichen Fragen zu „Pay or Consent“ bei großen Plattformen. Die allgemeineren Leitlinien, die wesentlich umfangreicher sein werden, folgen erst später. Und noch einmal: Aus meiner persönlichen Sicht ist das, was Meta anbietet, noch nicht einmal „Pay or Consent“, weil die Daten ja auch bei „Pay“ weiter gesammelt werden
We are thrilled to welcome @gnome and @kde who have joined @EclipseFdn as new Associate Members 🚀
Associate Members are FOSS foundations, nonprofits, and other communities that share some of our values, such as: software freedom, open source, open standards, privacy, and decentralization.
Like our other members, we have allocated several seats on our Governing Board for Associate Members, and they get to be part of how Matrix is governed.
Learn more about membership: https://matrix.org/membership/
Der Dr.-Ulrich-Kelber-Fan-Merch ist angekommen und bei uns im Shop: „Kelber Ultras“.
Today @ulrichkelber presents the Data Protection Report 2023. @Bundesregierung fails to agree on his successor.
Together with digital civil society, the @fsfe is therefore calling in an open letter:
The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information must be able to carry out official duties independently of political sanction. This requires a transparent appointment procedure.
"HDMI Forum, has reportedly told AMD that it does not allow an Open Source implementation of the #HDMI 2.1 (or HDMI 2.1+) specification"
I've started creating free game assets back in 2010, and now;
‣ 182 packs on my website
‣ Contain a total of 35,229 unique assets
‣ 31,154 are 2D sprites
‣ 2,974 are 3D models
Grab 'em here (free, public domain, no ads, no registration, no tracking): https://kenney.nl/assets
#MOTIS support coming to #KDE's KTrip and Itinerary, paving the way for using #Transitous there: https://volkerkrause.eu/2024/02/23/kpublictransport-motis-support.html
-With-Big-Tech-Only or Sign-In-With-Whom-I-Prefer? https://wrily.foad.me.uk/sign-in-with-big-tech-only-or-sign-in-with-whom-i-prefer
💡 Wovon hängt die #Solidarität der Bevölkerung in Deutschland gegenüber Flüchtlingen ab?
Damit beschäftigt sich der wissenschaftliche Stab von #SVRMigration in einem aktuellen Forschungsprojekt.
➡️ #SVRFakten im Policy Brief nachlesen: https://www.svr-migration.de/publikation/selektive-solidaritaet/
I have never considered the design of #DB 's official #ICE and #IC network map convincing. This was my motivation to create my own 🇩🇪 long-distance rail map a few years ago. It focuses more on systematic connections and their frequencies for better understanding rather than just showing every line.
The 2024 map is finally online 🥳
Boost appreciated.
Official Map: https://assets.static-bahn.de/dam/jcr:a2ed983a-36e1-4533-a4ee-8b85daf684c2/231127_Liniennetz%20ICE%20IC%202024.pdf
Dear companies,
please don't make having access to Google's or Apple's app stores to use your products a requirement.
This locks so many of us out because we either don't have a compatible device or the device doesn't have the software to access these services (like google play services).
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The #InteroperableEuropeAct has been adopted in the European Parliament plenary with 524 votes in favour, 18 against and 97 abstentions.
In spite of ambiguities in the wording and the exclusion of the #FreeSoftware Community from the governance of the regulation, decisions makers heard our demands.
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Menschen verlassen ihre Herkunftsregionen, weil sie #Schutz suchen. Sie gehen dorthin, wo sie einen Arbeitsplatz finden und schon Angehörige oder Freunde haben, entgegnet Prof. Vorländer der Überlegung, dass #Bezahlkarten #Asyl|gesuche reduzieren 👇