@telephant Looks nice, doesn't show images though? Assuming in the works. But good start
@telephant xubuntu 18.04 click on an image and it opens the default web browser, also the number keypad doesn't work (and yes, numlock is on). The regular keyboard numbers do work.
It's currently opening media in your browser indeed. Will probably need some more time to integrate proper media playback.
They keypad should work fine. Are we talking about composing a new post here?
@telephant I was trying to type the 18.04 in xubuntu 18.04 and the numpad numbers don't work. /*-+ (thise keys do work from the numpad though, hmm...) I'll try it with a new post. (the numpad Enter key works too)
@telephant It was on Ubuntu. To clarify, it wasn't showing preview/thumbnails in the feed.
That's odd. Running (and displaying images) just fine on Ubuntu here.
Which version/derivative of Ubuntu?
@telephant Was 19.04... swithed to Ubuntu-MATE since..lol
@telephant Will try again shortly.
Should show images just fine. Which platform are you running this on?